Page 36 of Shadows

“Look, I’d really like Ray to stay with me and my family for a bit, get him back on track the way Zack and I did. I might even have something that should help to keep him focused, you know, to channel the pain.”

“I can figure out some money for him.” I felt terrible she even went there. I knew that since their parents died, she’d done everything to help Ray, even at her own family’s expense.

“Nah, he’s been more than helpful around the farm. He’ll earn his keep and then some.”

“That’s kind, Daniel. Thank you.”

“I’m not doing it to be kind. I’m selfish and want my friend back to normal.” She chuckled at that, and I caught Mom’s glossy eyes as she pretended to read her romance novel. “Just do me one favor.”


“Call every few days and talk to him. He needs to know he still has his sister’s support.”

“You got it.”

I hung up and felt good about being able to relieve a little of her stress. I was really gaining some insight into what it was like for the families of the guys who came back. They were lost on what to do. Their pain was as real as ours, just different.

“I love you, Mom.” I hugged her, and she grinned as I left the room.

“I’m pleased to say I think Ray is ready for your next move,” Dad said as he came in the door.

“Really?” My excitement made him happy, and he smacked me on the back.

“Yeah, really.”

I hurried back to the kitchen and called Zack to share the news that we’d got the green light to share our new life plan with Ray.


“Where are we going, exactly?” Ray took the front seat of Zack’s truck and rubbed his hands together with excitement.

“Just trust us.” Frank hit his shoulder, and we headed up the windy Montana mountain road. Chuck Berry’sMaybellinebounced from the speakers as we climbed to a higher altitude where the air was crisp and cool.

“Wow.” Ray shook his head when we finally reached our destination. He ran a hand over his face. “This is really impressive.”

“It is, isn’t it?” I looked over what he saw and smiled back at him. It really was impressive, I thought, and felt my chest swell as I took in my father’s vision of how we were going to improve our lives, not to mention the lives of countless others.

Frank handed out bottles of Highlander, and we each popped the caps on our favorite cold brew.

“To making history.” Frank tapped his bottle to ours.

“Hey, fellas?” Dad stood in the main doorway and waved us in. We followed him inside, and he led the way to the living room where he handed me a stick. “Part of making history is marking history.” He bent down and wrote his name in the six-by-twelve space of wet concrete that was right in front of the fireplace. “Your turn, son.”

I did the same, and one by one, the guys wrote their names and ranks, and when we finished, Dad wrote the year.

“Have you thought of a name for your team yet?” Dad asked as he took a seat on the patio near us.

“Eagle Eye?” Frank spoke up first.

“Mm,” Zack shook his head, “what about Red Stone? Like after our town?”

“So, we’re offering up our location along with our name?” I joked and took a sip of from my bottle. “What about Blackstone?”

“Ohh,” Zack nodded along with Ray, “I like Blackstone. Where did you get that name?”

“Somewhere special.” I grinned behind my bottle and glanced at Dad.

“Team Blackstone.” Dad smiled at me. “That’s good.”