Page 80 of The Bastard Prince

"When am I getting out of here?"

Dutifully ignoring me, Patrice set the trolley at the end of my bed and stepped back.

"That's real nice," I called after him, furious. "I'm not worthy of a response because I have a pussy?"

"You make trouble," he shot back, keeping his tone low. "All the trouble. You no listen. Now look." Shaking his head, he waved a hand at me and spat, "You dead whore. Fabio want dead Ashton."

My blood turned to ice in my veins as I contemplated his words.

"He wants me dead?" I swallowed deeply, pulse fluttering anxiously in my throat. "Really?"

"Sí," he confirmed grimly. "Jefesay no dead Ashton. Fabio sayaye, aye, aye. So, Fabiocompromisoand say sell Ashton.Jefesayde ninguna manera.Jefesay not fucking happen,papá. So now, they fight." Patrice frowned. "Days and days and they still fight. Again, and again."

"They're fighting?"

Another disapproving nod.

"Fuck," I breathed, clasping my hands together, shoulders sagging in defeat.

"You pain in ass ofjefe," he told me, moving for the door. "Mucho."

"So, I'm just supposed to stay here?" I demanded, beyond frustrated. "For how long?"

"Jefesay read book," he replied, pointing to the trolley. "And grow the patience."

Brows furrowing, I crawled to the edge of my bed and reached for the book setting on top of the trolley.

The moment my eyes landed on the cover of the familiar storybook, I balked.

It was a copy of The Three Little Pigs.

The book I had used to teach him how to read all of those years ago.

Grow the patiencewas written inside.

"That bastard." I shook my head and tossed the book on my bed, forcing my mind to block out my memories. "He's playing games with me."

He had to be. Why else would he give me that damn book? That day symbolized a significant moment in our lives. After we took out his weapons, we had…and then we… no!

I refused to think back on one of the rare, perfect days in my past. I refused to buy into whatever mind game Trigger was playing.

He wanted me to remember how I felt that night.

He was sending me a message with this book.

I wasnotbuying it.

I refused to soften my temper towards a man who had abandoned me in a goddamn whorehouse. Screw whatever demands Fabio was making. The Trigger I remembered wouldneverleave me down here.

No matter what.

"Patrice, wait!" I called out, scrambling off the bed and hurrying after him when he moved for the door. "Don’t go." Racing to close the space between us, I latched onto his huge forearm with both hands. "Please don't leave me down here." Shivering, I added, "I'm not like the women down here."

"You no choice," he replied tightly. "Jefeno choice. Patrice no choice."

"Please?" I begged, panicking at the thought of those men coming back tonight. "They're going to end up raping me." A cold shiver ran down my spine at the thought. "You need to get me out."Because I'm not letting you leave here without me.

"You is whore," he shot back, yanking his arm free and swinging the door of my cage open. "Whore get fucked," he added with a shrug. "Whore job to get, as they say, dicked for money.No hay problema."