Page 73 of The Bastard Prince

Aw shit.

Stifling a frustrated growl when I spotted her through the moonlight, strapped to a bed, I ignored her entirely and went straight for his desk.

She whimpered and pleaded with me, begging me for things I could not give her, and making my patience wear thin.

This bitch needed to fuck right off.

I had a job to do.

I was getting myself the hell out of here.

Her life meant nothing to me.

It couldn’t.

If I allowed myself to feel for her, I would bend and crack under the crippling weight of my morbid reality.

Therefore, I hunted for the flash drive I had been instructed to find and dutifully ignored her pleas.

Carefully opening and closing drawer after drawer, I finally found what I'd come for.

Sagging in relief, I plucked the flash drive from the drawer and replaced it with the dummy one stuffed inside my panties.

Childish as it was, I couldn’t resist rubbing the dummy stick between my ass cheeks before tossing it into drawer and pocketing the real one in my undies.

"I hope you get pink eye, you prick," I mouthed, glaring at his huge, throne-like chair.

Three more gunshots alerted me that it was time to move.

Rolling my shoulders, I inhaled a steadying breath through my nose, retrieved my dagger from where I'd set it down on his desk, and moved for the door.

"Wait!" the whore choked out, head thrashing wildly from side to side as she tried to dislodge her blindfold. "Please don’t leave me."

Clenching my teeth, I forced myself to not react like I wanted to.

Masking my horror with agitation, I threw myself head first into my irritation.

It was safer.

It was sensible.

Ignoring her, I padded to the door, mission almost complete. I only had one more thing to do.

One order left to obey.

Return safely to him.

And I intended to do just that.

"Heiress whore, I know it's you," she continued to wail, sobbing and pulling against the restraints that bound her hands and feet to the bed. "I can smell your perfume."

Well, shit.

That wasn't good.

"You smell better than the rest of us."

Well, of course I do,I wanted to say.I'm not a whore.