Page 63 of The Bastard Prince

"Trig –"

"And I need something to distract me so I can be patient with you – so I can give you the time you need." Growling, he moved both hands to clamp down on my hips, fingers digging roughly into my flesh. "You need to understand that I am surrounded by whores every minute of every day. I cannot turn a corner in this compound without having pussy thrust in my face,corderito. It is constant. Offered to me on a plate. Sometimes it is forced on me. All these women, I have no care for them, it is purely physical, becausemi amoris still a girl."

"It stops tonight," I warned. "I don’t care how hard it is."


"Trig, if you put your cock inside another whore, I will offer my virginity to one of your brothers."

Trigger stiffened and pulled back to glare at me.

I met his stare head on.

"Do not play this game with me," he snapped, bristling.

"I'm not playing games," I challenged. "I'm making you a promise. The next time you let a whore put her mouth on you, I will let every man I meet put his mouth on me," I continued. "I will lay on my back for every cock in this septic compound."

"And I will kill every last one of them," he warned, voice deathly cold. "And then I will kill you,mi reina."

"Touché,mi rey. I would expect nothing less," I replied, keeping his heated gaze. "Do we have an understanding?"

"You are making this difficult for me." Releasing a low growl, he reached around and palmed my ass. "You seem to forget that I do all of this so that I get to keep you. You are the price over my head. You are the prize. Your life is dangled in front of me like a fucking carrot. Every single day. I do not have limits when it comes to you. The shit I do for that man in order to come home at night and see you–"

"I don't care," I growled. "I want your word."

"You already have me."

"Say it." I reached a hand between us and pushed my panties aside. "Give me your word that you'll be faithful now. Not in two years, Trig. Right fucking now."

Reaching for his thick cock, I boldly stroked the glistening crown over my pussy lips.

My eyes darkened in warning. "Or I will give this to the next man I see –"

"I give you my word," he snarled, sounding furious with himself for handing power over to me.

Closing his big hand over mine, he fisted his shaft, controlling my hand with his.

"You have my word." Keeping one hand roughly clamped down on my hip to keep my body in place, he continued to stroke himself off with the other, with the thick head of his cock brushing against my pussy lips. "No one else."

"Good wolf," I praised breathily, reveling in the feel of our hands working together to get him off. "I'll make it worth your while."

"You already make life worthwhile for me," he replied, leaning back against the cushions at his back. "Now, fuck my mouth with your tongue like the bad lamb you are. Show your wolf what he has to look forward to."

"I'm not done negotiating," I moaned, shifting my hips closer to his, secretly praying for him to slip up and lose control. "I want something else from you."

"You want, want, want," he growled, working himself over with quicker, rougher strokes. "You take, take, take,corderito. This is not the way it works in our world. Women do not make such demands."

"We've never followed their rules," I moaned, rocking against him. "I'm seventeen now, and you're almost twenty. We're old enough to do this, Trig. You need to speak to your father. Claim me. Initiate me. And get us the hell out of here!"

"Not a chance." He shook his head and hissed out a sexy as hell growl. "I am not taking you anywhere near that room until I have no choice. I still have time. He gave me until your eighteenth birthday."

"No. That's almost a whole year away." Licking my lips, I rocked my hips, whimpering when his cock slid achingly close to my slit. "I can't wait that long." I moaned again, uncaring of the other people around us. "I'll die if you make me wait any longer."

"You are determined to fuck everything up for me," he snarled, pumping his cock so hard that my body vibrated from the friction shooting up my arm. A flood of pre-cum trickled from the head and he hissed out a snarl. "Fuck –"

Growling, he gripped my hip painfully tight, aimed his cock at my pussy lips, and came hard, shooting his cum all over my pussy.

“Eighteen,” he offered gruffly, reaching a hand between us to finger his release into my tight hole. “I will not bend,” he hissed, continuing to push his seed deep inside me. “End of discussion,mi reina…"