Page 50 of The Bastard Prince

"Sí." He nodded stiffly. "I guard. You take."

"Take?" I frowned.

"Jefesay you take." He pointed to the nightstand. "Take now."

My gaze landed on the small pill on the nightstand, beside a glass of water. "For me?"

He nodded stiffly before quickly averting his gaze. "Sí."

"Where is Trigger?" I forced myself to ask, urging my pulse to steady and my heart to stop thrashing around in my chest. "Is he here?"I didn’t care. I wouldn't. Don't feel it. "Did he l-leave?"

"Not business of woman where man go," Patrice replied, tone clipped. "No ask."

Fuck you, Patrice.

"What is it?" I asked then, feeling weak at the thought of what the pill might contain.Arsenic, no doubt."Why do I need pills?"

"You take," he repeated, moving to the window. "Jefeno wantbebé."


"Jefeno wantbebé bastardo." He inclined his head to the nightstand. "Take now,Señora."

Boss man doesn’t want a bastard baby.

I narrowed my eyes in disgust. "Shouldn’t that beSeñorita,notSeñora?"I muttered, reaching for the pill. "I'm not married."

"Porque traicionaste a tu rey," he replied, stretching his legs out in front of him, as he polished his gun. “El se hubiera casado contigo. Delante de dios. Un verdadero matrimonio. Una buena vida para una mujer en tu posición. Pero no pudiste mantener las piernas cerradas." Flicking his dark eyes up to meet mine, he sneered, "O tu boca."

…Boss man doesn’t want a bastard baby because you betrayed him – your king. He would have married you. In front of god. A true marriage. A good life for a woman in your position. But you couldn't keep your legs closed. Or your mouth…




"Fuck you, Patrice!" Furious to be once again insulted and blamed for something Ididn’tdo, I grabbed the glass off the nightstand and flung it at him, enjoying the way he had to duck his head to avoid the glass flying past his face. "Fuck you right to hell."

The glass shattered against the wall behind his head, water spraying everywhere.

"I don’t take orders from you or your preciousjefe," I continued, throwing the pill across the floor to join the shards of broken glass. "And yourjefeknows that I didn’t do what you were all convinced I did." Tears filled my eyes and I quickly batted them away. "So, you can take your insults and your pills and shove them up your ass."

"He oído."

"You heard," I mimicked his words, automatically translating them into my language. "Oh, so hedidtell you? At least he's finally setting the record straight."

"Sí," he replied. "Eras puro y él áspero."

"I waspureand he wasrough?" I barked out a humorless laugh. "That's all you have to say? Jesus Christ." I shook my head, appalled. "Screw you, jackass."

Rising to his feet like an aggravated lion, Patrice tucked his gun into the waistband of his tailored suit pants before stooping down and snatching up the pill. "You take," he said, stalking towards me. "Or I make."

"No," I argued, refusing to take another order. "I won't –"

My words broke off when he grabbed my hair and dragged me towards him.

"You take," he repeated, fingers digging into my jaw, while he clutched my throat with his free hand. "Or I make."