Page 40 of The Bastard Prince

Climbing back up beside him, I folded my knees beneath me and flipped the page open, finger hovering over the words.

Nudging his big shoulder with mine, I resisted the urge to breathe in his scent and whispered, "Try again."

"I not read piglet," he declared, shoving the book away once more. "Be gone."

"Now you're just being a brat," I huffed, folding my arms across my chest. "Bad wolf."

"Lobo malo?" His brows shot up. "Trig?"

"Yes, you." Feeling playful, I dove for him, pushing him onto his back. "You're a bad wolf," I laughed, pinning his big arms above his head. "I'm going to teach you a lesson on manners."

"More Ashton lessons?" he chuckled, allowing me to pin him down, and the way he said my name had my toes curling up.Ash-teen."I will listen."

"You don’t throw books," I feign-scolded, climbing onto his lap to straddle his hips. "It's rude and not very gentleman-like."

"Not safe forcorderito," he growled from beneath me, brown eyes blazing with heat. "A wolf will, as you say, gobble up a lamb."

"Then gobble me up," I dared, leaning my face close to his. "Or I'd settle for a kiss."

"Bad lamb," he purred, hands moving to clamp down on my hips. "Ashton behave for her king."

"I wouldn't tell me what to do if I were you," I threatened, tightening my hold on his wrists. "Just give me what I want."

"And what is it that I can give you?" he teased, smirking up at me. "What does my Ashton want?"

I blew out a shaky breath. "You."

He grinned. "Not yet."

I narrowed my eyes back at him. "Then when?"

He winked. "Soon."



"I'm done waiting." Tightening my hold on his wrists, I begged, "Go to your father, organize the initiation, claim me, and then we can leave. We can get out, Trig, we can do this. You'll have all my father's fortune. We'll have it all. We won't need Fabio –"

"You are still child," he told me. "You do not see." His dark eyes burned into mine. "No initiate." He shook his head. "You are a small girl."

"I amnotsmall," I growled, insulted. "And I'm not a child. I've never been a child!"

"Young," he corrected gruffly. "And Trig will no do that to his Ashton."

"I'm of age," I growled. "And concentrate on your words. You can do better."

He shook his head. "Not the age in real world, corderito."

"I live inthisworld," I urged. "And so do you."

"No." He shook his head again. "I will not touch you like that."

"Trigger –"

"Not, as they say, a discussion to be up for," he replied. "Not happening,mami."

Huffing out a disappointed breath, I released his wrists and folded my arms across my chest, still sitting on him. "You suck."