Page 38 of The Bastard Prince

Jet shook his head. "But –"

"I'm not fucking going!" I screamed, spitting the words at them as my body shook violently.

Brows furrowed, he offered me a clipped nod. "Are you –" Pausing, he swallowed deeply and turned his hardened stare on Jethro, "Leave, baby prince."

Jethro did just that.

Turning on his heels, he quickly left his quarters without another word.


"Are you staying?" Trigger asked when the door closed behind Jet. "Here?" His heated gazed locked on mine. "With me?"

"Doesn’t look like I have much of a choice," I replied wearily, knees bopping. "You claimed me, remember? I'm yours to do whatever you wish with." Sighing heavily, I dragged myself to my feet and tipped my chin up. "However, if it's not too much to ask, I'd appreciate a couple of days to heal before you give me to your men."

"Don’t," he warned, narrowing his eyes.

I glared back at him, defiance burning in my eyes. "I'm a whore, remember? A filthyputa traidora."

He flinched.


Feel some of my pain, Trigger!

Releasing a furious growl, he stalked towards me and I cowered from him. "Stop it," he choked out hoarsely as swept me into his arms, cradling me to his chest. "I will not hurt you."

Rigid, I locked my limbs tight, not bothering to resist when he carried me down the hallway and into the master bedroom.

There was no point in fighting back. Not anymore.

My life didn’t belong to me.

It belonged tohim.

Setting me down on the edge of his king-sized bed, Trig pulled the covers back and gestured for me to climb in.

I didn’t move.

"Do you want to shower?" he asked then. "Or to bathe?"

I shook my head.

"Then lie down."

I remained frozen to the spot.

"Corderito, I will not fuck you again," he snapped, flustered. "Not without your consent."

"You willneverhave my consent," I strangled out, emotions over spilling now. "You are a –" My voice broke off as a huge sob racked through me. "I h-hate you!"

"I know," he deadpanned. "Lie down."

"I said that I hate you!" I screamed, furious with his lack of response. "I hate you, Trigger Laperro! I fucking hate your guts and I wish you never came back!"

"I know!" he roared back at me, bristling now. "I heard you loud and clear,corderito." Reaching for me, he lifted me into his bed. "Believe me, Iknow."

"All of those things you vowed to your father in Spanish tonight," I sniffled, curling up in a ball on his mattress and then scooting far away when he whipped off his towel and climbed in beside me. "About killing him and enjoying knowing that he'll burn in hell?" I glared at the side of his face as he reached for the small lamp and flicked it off, bathing us in darkness. "Well, I made those same vows." A hiccuped sob tore through me. "I'm g-going to k-kill you, Trigger."