Page 36 of The Bastard Prince

"Down there?" Fabio laughed. "Call it a pussy, son. And don’t fret; she is not the first whore to take a hard fuck. She'll heal."

"But she might need –"

"She is not your problem," Fabio cut him off by saying. Shaking his head, he sneered, "You are too soft-hearted, son. It will be your downfall."

"She's my friend," Jet bit out, shifting me closer to him. Bracing my weight against him, I dragged in quick, shallow breaths. "She is Royce's daughter. Surely, she deserves better than this, father? She's been here since she was a little girl."

"You weren't thinking about what yourfrienddeserved when you were choking her with your cock," Fabio countered cruelly. "I upheld my side of the bargain to her father. I promised to raise her clean and give her to my most deserving son." He narrowed his eyes. "That was supposed to be you."

"I know." Jet bowed his head, absorbing the shame his father was forcing him to feel. "I failed you."

"Yes, you did," Fabio agreed coldly. "Now, get her out of my sight before I have a change of heart." He waved us off with another dismissive flick of his wrist. "Oh, and Jethro? If I find out that you have taken her off this property to seek medical attention, if I find out that you have brought any kind of attention to me, I will personally see to it that you both die roaring."


Eight months had passed since my arrival at the Crellid estate and life was different here.

I was different here.


The Crellid mansion was a scary place for a girl to live and I was homesick.

Not for my father. I was too mad at him for dying to feel anything else. I desperately missed Peter, my bird, and my tutor, Miss Charlotte.

There were no girls my age to play with here, and the older girls that slept in the cages underground were always busy.

Not that it mattered.

They weren't allowed to speak to me.

The Crellid children never spoke to me, either. The girls were like zombies and the boys frightened me. They were always trying to touch parts of my body that shouldn’t interest them.

Mrs. Solo, my tutor at the Crellids, told me that I should be happy Fabio's older boys wanted to touch and grope me. She encouraged me to focus my attention on Jethro, one of the youngest boys with the sweet smile, but I had already picked my favorite.

The Spanish one.

I didn’t care about his last name, or that he was a bastard. I didn’t care that Fabio had promised me to him without my permission, and I didn’t even care that he didn’t speak the same language as me.

He was big and dark and pretty, and he never tried to touch my private parts.

He was my absolute favorite person at the Crellids.

Maybe in the world.

"I want to fuck this," Trigger growled, breaking through my thoughts, as he threw his hands up in frustration and kicked the book away.

We were camped out in my bedroom and he was scowling at the floor.

As per usual, he was frustrated and spitting mad.

"It is pointing!" he barked, shaking his head angrily.

"Pointless," I corrected quietly, burying my smile at his outburst.

From watching his interactions with his half-siblings, I knew the very last thing I should be doing was laughing at him.

He turned mean and used his fists all the time.