"What is this?" he hissed then, voice strained, hand moving to my pussy. "You bleed?" he demanded when I didn’t respond. Grabbing my hair, he dragged me back to his chest and thrust his blood covered fingers in front of my face. "Your period?"
"No," I breathed, panting.
"You lie," he snarled and I could feel his body shaking against mine. "More of your games." He yanked on my hair. "More of your mind fucking."
"No games," I whispered, panicked and aroused. "I promise."
"The promise of a whore!" he strangled out, body rigid. "No more lies,corderito. I cannot take it. I will explode!"
"She's not a whore," Jethro interjected with a grimace as he tucked himself away. "At least, she wasn’t until you violated her."
"Hijo de puta!" Trig roared, jerking away from my body like I had scalded him. "No puedo creer esto!" Resorting entirely to his mother tongue, he charged his brother, pinning Jethro to the wall. "Me dejaste follarla como una puta!"
His words were coming so fast as he repeatedly slammed Jethro to the wall that I couldn't make sense of what he was saying.
Shivering, I remained exactly where I was, watching his meltdown.
"La lastimé," Trig choked out, sounding pained. "Me dejaste lastimarla!"
"Enough, Trigger," their father announced with a throaty laugh. Instantly, his heavies were on sight to pull Trig away from his brother. "Finish the initiation and claim your whore or I'll offer her up to my men."
Furious, Trigger swung his frantic gaze on his father. "You cannot be serious!"
"Oh, I am," his father replied, holding out a knife for his son to take. "If you want the bitch, she's yours. However, I doubt she'll be as devoted to you and your noble cause as she once was." Smirking cruelly, he added, "Since you behaved so unfavorably towards your precious, littlereina."
I saw the moment awareness dawned on Trigger.
I saw the betrayal in his eyes as he finally put the pieces of the jigsaw together in his mind.
His gaze swung to me, guilt and uncertainty shining out of him. "Corderito?"
I offered him no comfort in return.
What he did to me that night and this night would never be okay.
Therefore, I remained like a statue on the bed, waiting for this to be over.
"Finish this," Fabio repeated sternly.
"I will not," Trig declared hoarsely, swinging his gaze back to his father. "No more."
"Finish it, my bastard boy, or I will," Fabio seethed. "Take her third hole, share your blood with her, and she's all yours. Deny her again, and I will personally fuck her until all that's left of her is your memories."
Releasing a strangled snarl, Trig ran his hands through his hair. "Bastardo!"
Glancing down at his naked form, he groaned loudly, seeing the blood now.
Seeing the truth.
"You fucked me over," he accused, voice thick with emotion. "You tricked me."
"You were getting notions," his father mused. "You and your little whore queen. Thinking you could take on my world. Thinking she was worth more than a hole. Women are not equal to us, son, and yet, you treated that whore like she was above your own family. Above your father! What kind of message does that send out? Fabio Crellid's boy, pussy-whipped and in love. A fucking woman pulling his strings –" He paused to spit in disgust. "Shameful. And you flew high with the heiress whore by your side. You were strong. Challenging. Two powerful family names combined. A threat I eliminated. Now, she hates you, Trigger. You defiled her body like she was a piece of meat to take. You savaged her. You butchered her. You insulted her integrity. You pissed on your so-called eternal love. She will never look at you as she once did. You saw to that tonight." He laughed cruelly. "And now you are finally aware of where you rank in my world, bastard. Now, you understand that Icanandwilltake her from you if you think of falling out of line again." He laughed cruelly. "She was your little doll, Trigger. She worshipped the ground you walked on. She would never betray her bastard prince. She was faithful to a fault. And you abandoned her so easily. You never looked back. Never checked. Never cared. You left your little lamb to fend for herself."
"Because you lied!" Trigger roared back, chest heaving. "You all lied!" He turned to Jethro. "You betrayed me, brother."
"No," Jethro countered shakily. "I never betrayed you, brother, but you betrayed her. I saved her when you refused to!"