Page 20 of The Bastard Prince

"The same respect she showed you?" Fabio laughed. "Foolish fucking boy."

"She has already bled for me years ago," Jet announced. "The whole point of an initiation is for a virgin high-born to conceive an heir. I've already taken her virginity, so this is pointless."

"Hear that, Trigger?" Fabio laughed. "Your bitch bled for your brother years ago."

A pained snarl erupted from Trig and he flashed a look of pure betrayal in my direction. It was a look that was so full of pain and hatred that I felt what was left of my heart wither up and die.

He's lying,I wanted to scream,he's only saying this to protect me,but it wouldn’t do me any good.

"You know the rules of the code, Jethro," Fabio continued, tone hard and unyielding. "You wanted Ashton for your own when your brother had a change of heart. You intend to marry her and have her take our name. If she was any other man's daughter, I would have her thrown in the ocean and fed to the sharks for the discord she caused between my sons. But she's Royce's blood, therefore, I will allow this pairing. But my patience is wearing thin, boy. You know the rules, you've seen how this works, so, fuck the girl, son –" His hands moved to his belt. "Or I'll show you how to." His eyes narrowed. "And you know what happens if I find her innocent." Another pained growl from Trig. "The cock she bleeds on, the cock she belongs to."

A trickle of fear rushed through me.

I had seen what Fabio did to girls.

I had seen the blood.

Heard the screams.

"Father –"

"Fuck her or I'll do it," his father snarled and I clenched my eyes shut. "Take her now, son, or I'll keep her for myself. She'll be a nice addition to my personal whores. The only child of the mighty Royce Northwood is bound to one of my son's – a vow I made to my oldest friend – so show me you're worthy of such a prize."

"Fine," Jet relented and I sagged in a sick form of relief, thankful that his father wouldn't touch me.

"Who contests?" Fabio asked the question I had been dreading. "Rather pointless all things considered, but code of The Order never the less. Who will fight my son to claim her?"

Several of the men from The Order stepped forward.

Repulsion swept through me.

Close your eyes, Ashton.

It will be over soon.

"No, it can only be me," Jet argued weakly, his poor attempt at protecting me. "Ashton is mine."

"You know the code," Fabio interjected. "Every man in this room has a right to contest – to claim her for their own."

I could hear the unravelling of clothes as one of Fabio's heavies loomed over me. His huge hand clamped down on my small breast, roughly pinching my nipple while another heavy strapped my hands to the headboard.

Another man leering by my hips plunged a thick finger into my pussy. "She's tight." He grunted his approval. Forcing myself not to resist, I let my legs fall open. "Shaved pussy," he added, like they couldn't already see that I was bare. "Wet."

"Step the fuck down," Trig warned, his voice a vicious snarl, and my frozen heart thawed in my chest. "Any man to lay his hands on her flesh will die roaring. You want someone to contest him,padre? Is that what you need? To make this sick fucking show more entertaining for you?" Trig snarled, hands moving to his knife belt as he stepped forward. "Fine. I contest." His dark eyes flicked to mine and I could see the burning resentment mixed with guilt and pain. "You win,puta.” He stepped closer, brandishing a shiny dagger. "Again."

"You gave her up a long time ago, Trigger." His father sounded amused. "You begged me to take her back, remember? When your baby brother took what was yours for his own. And still, you try to protect her? How very noble of you."

"I said that I would fuck her, not marry her," Trig replied flatly. "You want someone to contest and I am that someone." Pain clouded his features for the briefest moment before his anger quickly consumed him once more. "Besides, she already gave herself to him."

"What are you doing, Trig?"

"It's me or them, brother. Take your pick."

"Sheismine," Jethro complained weakly. "I shouldn’t have to fight for her –"

"Fight me for her, baby brother," Trigger dared menacingly, blade shining in his hand. "Or you are not worthy to have a woman of your own."

Fumbling awkwardly for his own knife, Jet held it loosely in his grip.