Page 116 of The Bastard Prince

"No, Trig, I swear –" I began to say, but he cut me off by squeezing my throat with his free hand, once again cutting off my precious supply of oxygen.

"Run, little lamb, and run quickly."

Clutching my throat tighter, he leaned close and pressed a hard kiss to my forehead before quickly pulling back.

"Find a very good place to hide from your wolf and stay hidden." Chest heaving, he shoved the barrel of the gun against my forehead, right between my eyes, and whispered, "Don’t look back. Don’t even dare to breathe too loudly. Because the next time we meet, when I find you again, Iwillkill you…"

His English improved,I thought dejectedly, forcing my mind back to the present. Wherever Trig had gone for the last two years, it had been somewhere where he'd learned the language far better than I'd ever taught him.

Inhaling and then slowly exhaling several calming breaths, I coaxed my heart back to a somewhat steady rhythm.

Only when the water in the faucet ran cold and my tears dried up did I climb out of the tub.

Ignoring a towel, I dried my feet on the luscious bath mat, slipped on a bathrobe, and moved straight for my bird.

Peter the second.

Petey bird, 2.0.

A gift from Trig.

He was still in there.


I hadn't seen him since the morning after the doctor's visit. He was avoiding the house, and avoiding me like the plague while he attended to so-called business, but that didn't mean that I had stopped thinking about him.

He was on my mindconstantly.

We needed to talk and he needed to do what I wanted.

Wheeling Peter's huge cage back into my bedroom, I set him up next to the window, just how he liked it, and spent an ornate amount of time just looking at him.

A soft knock on my bedroom door had me swinging around just in time to find the small red-head in the doorway.

Another gift from Trig.

"He's back," Tanya announced from my bedroom doorway.

My heart jack-knifed in my chest. "Trig?"

She nodded. "Uh-huh. Scowling like a beast. He's downstairs right now."

"He's early," I blurted out, panic rising up inside of me. "I was to have three more days –"

"He's alone," she hurried to say. "So don't worry too much. Whatever he has decided to do will not be happening tonight."

Meaning he didn’t bring a doctor here to cut it out of me, like he had promised.

"What should I do?" I heard myself ask the tiny, newly-retired whore, surprising myself with how quickly I had taken to her.

I never had a friend besides Trig and Jet before, andnever,ever a girl.

When I found Tanya sitting at the foot of my bed the morning after Peter arrived, I'd been stunned. I wasn't sure if I'd been serious when I asked Trig for the whore. But he took me seriously and either bought her or stole her from the Crellid Estate.

I suspected the latter.

She seemed elated to be here, desperate to please, and I was grateful for the company. As long as she kept her eyes and mouth off my prince, we would get along just fine.