Page 34 of The Bastard Prince

I held my breath and watched in horror as Trig skillfully flipped the knife in his hand before letting it fly through the air.

Tony, the heavy standing directly next to Fabio, dropped to his knees with the sharp end of the knife embedded in his chest.

He gasped for air and clawed at his chest for several moments before collapsing face down on the carpet with a choked breath.

"You missed," Fabio taunted, holding out his hand to stop Paulie, his righthand man, from pulling his gun.

No one checked on Tony.

No one batted an eyelid.

He was dead and it didn’t matter to them.

Collateral damage.


"Your skills with a blade are not what they once were, son."

"I said this was a preview," Trig replied darkly, not batting an eyelid at the man whose life he had just taken, as he reached for his pants. "Not the main event." Keeping his eyes locked on his father, he stepped into his black suit pants and dragged them up his tattooed thighs, leaving the suspender straps dangling at his waist. "That will come when you least expect it," Trig added, tucking himself in and adjusting his fly. "I havemuchopatience,padre–" Pausing he reached for the familiar double strapped leather holster and quickly slipped it on his bare back. My gaze immediately honed in on the matching pistols nestled on either side of his toned stomach and a trickle of fear ran down my spine. "Your time will come."

"Jethro, you could use some of your brother's balls," Fabio laughed, clearly delighted with his son's demonic show of brutality. "This is an impressive display of pride."

"It is not my pride that will end your life, old man," Trigger snarled, accent thickening, as he visibly shook with rage. "It will be my hunger for vengeance." His hand lingered precariously close to his left holster, fingers twitching with frustration. "And I must warn you that I amfamished."

"Such a passionate display of emotion," his father taunted with a grin. "And all for a whore." Tutting, he shook his head. "Ah, my son, you will learn."

"Sí," Trig replied, pointing a finger at his father. "I will learn, and you will die." Reaching down, he grabbed his shirt off the floor and moved for me, shirt in hand. "Ashton," he said, voice taking on a much gentler rasp. "Come with me –" His words broke off when I flinched away from his touch.

Unable to stop myself, I scrambled backwards when he reached for me again.

"Corderito," he whispered brokenly, his pained brown eyes locked on mine. "Please."

I couldn’t.

I could not get my body to go to him.

Trigger's shoulders sagged and he bowed his head, releasing his shirt to fall on the mattress beside me.

"This is priceless!" Fabio and his men erupted into laughter. "You frighten her, son," he mocked. "Shefearsyou."

"Fuck you!" he snarled back, casting a menacing glare over his shoulder. "Taunt me and your life will end earlier than anticipated." Turning back to face me, he held out a hand for me to take. "Please,corderito. I will not hurt you."

Shivering violently, I tried to reach for his hand, but I couldn’t get my limbs to unlock from their coiled-up state.

My body was in so much pain that I was quite certain that I was in some state of delayed shock.






In hate-love with a monster.