Page 27 of The Bastard Prince

While I had watched.

While I had covered for him.


"Do not even think about it," Trigger warned when both Jet and Solo reached for me. "I want to hear her screams when she comes on my cock." Trig slammed into me harder just to make a point. "When I fill her withmyseed."

Solo narrowed his eyes. "She's fair game. You know the code –"

"I will skin your sons alive and feed their bones to their mothers if you put a finger on my woman," Trig threatened menacingly. "I will take your daughters and bathe in their blood and innocence. As for your whores? I will carve them to the bone and make blankets of their flesh. And I will keep you alive long enough to watch."

There he is, Ashton.

There's your Trig.

There's your dark prince.

Tú eres mi rey y yo soy tu reina...

"And you," Trig continued, still fucking me raw, directing his words at his brother now. "Put your cock near her mouth again, little brother, and I will cut it off you and ram it up your asshole."

"Such passion," Fabio chuckled from a distance. "Such promises."

"Trigger," Jet strangled out, looking frightened. "You're a madman."

"We are all madmen,hermano," Trig countered with a snarl. "It's a prerequisite of the code."

"But father promised her to me," Jet began to argue, once again betraying me in my time of need like I knew he would.Weak boy."She's mine –"

"You had your turn," Trig snarled, cutting him off. "I contested." He slammed harder into me. "You were weak and underwhelming." A gasp tore from my throat. "I win this round, brother."

"She has three holes," Soto muttered sullenly. "The code says –"

"Three holes that I will fill withLaperroseed," Trig shot back, not missing a beat – or a thrust. "Now step back,camarado, or I will follow through with my gift to you."

"Such honesty," Fabio interjected with a heavy sigh. "Step back, Solo. Jethro, you lost. It's his show now."

"But father –"

"You both had a chance to break her in," his father countered hotly. "It was a fair match and you failed. Consider yourself lucky that I didn’t allow him to truly contest you, because you would be dead, son. That is as far as my mercy extends. Now your brother will finish her as he wishes." He looked to Trigger. "Alone?"

"Alone," Trig confirmed hungrily, tightening his hold on me.

Jet's face reddened. "But, she's mine –"

"Enough!" Fabio commanded with a roar. "She was yours to claim and you came like a teenage boy down her throat when her pussy was yours for the taking." Fabio sneered in disgust. "Your brother did not make such a boyish blunder. You disappoint me, Jethro." Narrowing his eyes, he growled, "Your brother, for once, does not."

"Don't worry, baby prince," Trig taunted, still moving inside of me. "I will gladly give her back to you once I am done." He hissed out a sharp breath, grunting when he speared me harder. "But I may be a while."

Disgusted with the jolt of pleasure that ricocheted through my body, I smothered a moan, refusing to allow my body to coax my mind into sexual submission.

I knew what was coming next.

The pain was arousing me and I loathed myself when my eyes rolled back in my head as a confusing fire of pain and lust spread inside of me.

The harder he fucked me, the brighter the fire burned until I was consumed in the feel of him.

In his anger.