Page 23 of The Bastard Prince

Anton narrowed his eyes. "I am no girl."

"You are all threatened by his presence," his father countered, blue eyes laced with amusement. "By my bastard." Turning to Yegor, he added, "As you should be. A tornado is a terrifying concept to a house of sticks."

"I'm worried because he's a psychopath!" Yegor spluttered, looking affronted. "I feel threatened because he just cut my brother's cock off!"

"He is the only one of you that shows promise," Fabio corrected. "He has killer instincts." He smiled. "He will be my finest soldier."

"He wants to kill us," Anton bit out. "All of us. He won't work for you, Father. He will kill you – the first chance he gets. The bastard needs to go."

"Anton's right. He's more likely to slit our throats in our sleep than work for you," Yegor interjected with a snarl. "He's fucking insane."

"He is not insane, my sons, he is vengeful," Fabio corrected with a chuckle. "And we do not punish sons because of their thirst for blood and vengeance." He grinned darkly. "We channel it into a weapon."

"A weapon?" Yegor gaped at his father like he had grown three heads. "But he's a loose cannon."

"I know. Isn't it beautiful?" Pushing back from his desk, Fabio stood up and walked to the window. "For thirteen long years I searched for him."

Clasping his hands behind his back, Fabio looked out the window to the mayhem occurring in the courtyard. Mayhem that revolved around his bastard son taking a vicious beating at the hands of his heavies.

"I hunted his whore mother to the ends of the earth to take back what she stole from me. To bring him home," Fabio continued, tone almost reverent. "And I am not disappointed." Turning back to face his sons, he said, "He became everything I dreamed for him and more. Vengeful. Murderous. Full of hate. Full of power." He sighed. "I am excited to unleash him on the world."

"You made a mistake with the nun," Anton said with a shake of his head. "You should have let him keep the mother whore."

"Boys don't need mothers," Fabio corrected. "To become a man, you need the umbilical cord severed from your birth whore and I did that for him. Women do not matter to kings. Our only need for a woman is pleasure and breeding. It was a merciful lesson." He smirked cruelly. "He is mine now."

"And the priest?" Yegor urged. "Why is he still breathing?"

"Good point, brother," Anton said, agitated. "Why are you allowing a holy man to enter our home, Father?"

I frowned, thinking about the old priest that had been to the estate on numerous occasions since my arrival.

I never thought much about it until now.

He came only for the bastard.

To visit him.


"We are not Catholics," Yegor sneered, dragging me from my thoughts. "We do not pray to his God."

"Exactly," Anton snapped. "Why are you letting this farce continue? You know that he helped the nun hide him from you."

"They speak in his mother tongue when they're together," Yegor added, sounding frustrated. "How do we know he's not planning a riot?"

"If you cannot find the answers to your simple questions without my help then I overestimated you both considerably," Fabio mused. "Keep your enemies close and their confidantes closer, my sons."

"So, you admit that he is an enemy," Anton pushed.

"We are all enemies," Fabio replied. "Some today, some tomorrow."

"I don’t understand," Yegor growled, sounding pained.

"Which is why you will never take over from me," Fabio practically cooed. "Stupid boy."

Yegor flushed bright red.

"How do you propose we contain him?" Anton asked then, moving to stand beside his father. He stared out the window as he spoke. "How do we get someone so untamed, and who despises us so much, to fall in line?"