Page 111 of The Bastard Prince

"¡Usted debe estar bromeando!" Trig paled and staggered back. "And you did not tell me?"

"I stabbed you. I thought you were pissed off." I shrugged again. "My bad."

"And the birth control pill? The one you are supposed to take every day?"

I shrugged. "Oops."

"Jesus Christ, Ashton!" He yanked on the ends of his hair. "No puedo creer esto!"

"It is in poor taste to take the lord's name in vain,Salvatore," I reminded him.

Trig visibly flinched at my words.

"And when was your…initiation?" the doctor asked kindly.

"Um…" Glancing up at the ceiling, I pondered the question. "Forever ago."

"Okay." With a heavy sigh, the doctor retrieved a rectangular box from his bag and placed it on my lap. "I'll need you to –"

"Get out," Trig ordered, cutting him off. "We do not require your services any longer."

"Mr. Laperro, I strongly urge you to –"

"I said get out!" Trig roared, pointing a finger at the door. "Now, dammit!"

Hurrying to his feet, the doctor snatched his bag up and hurried for the door.

He no sooner had the door open when a thunderingbangfilled my ears.

Stunned, I watched as his lifeless body crumpled to the floor.

A steady flow of red blood trickled from the back of his skull.

"I think you killed the doctor, Trig," I pointed out, gaze flicking between the body and the beast standing with the gun. "Bad wolf. "

"Well, I could hardly let him leave, could I?" Trig snapped, shoving his gun back into his holster. "He would have gone straight to Fabio and told him what you are housing inside of your body."

"Housing?" I scrunched my nose up at that.

"And if you think that monster caged you these past nine years, just wait until he finds out what we made!" He released a frustrated growl. "You will never be free now! He will take it from you." Shaking his head, he paced the room, beyond livid. "Dammit,corderito, what the fuck have you done?" Another furious roar escaped him. "Do you have any idea what this means for you?"

"For us."

"No." He shook his head, refuting my words. "Ifixed this.Youcursed us!"

Grabbing both the test and my arm, he hauled me to my feet and dragged me into the bathroom.

Marching me over to the toilet bowl, he pushed me down on the seat and ripped at the package.

"Pray,corderito," he snarled, ripping and biting at the plastic encasing the rectangular box. "Fucking pray that you are mistaken." Tearing the plastic stick from the box, he shoved it into my hand and glared at me. "Because if you are not, I will kill it myself."

"Trig," I strangled out, heart hammering violently. "How can you –"

"Do it!" he commanded, shoving my hand between my legs. "Piss!"

Trembling, I forced myself to pee and then held the stick out to him.

Without hesitation, Trig snatched it out of my hand and paced the bathroom, never once taking his eyes off the tiny screen on the stick.