Page 110 of The Bastard Prince

"She isnota whore," Trigger spat, looking truly livid. "I do notkeepwhores."

"Of course you don’t," the doctor quickly agreed. "I'm very sorry for the misunderstanding."

"You do not put that in her body without permission," Trig continued, gun still aimed at the doctor. "Not ever."

"Okay." The doctor swallowed deeply. "Would you like me to administer her with the –"

"Not me!" Trig roared, eyes bulging. "Her!"

The doctor gaped at him. "I don’t understand."

"It is quite simple, doctor. If you wish to stick a needle in my body, you ask me." He narrowed his eyes. "If you wish to stick a needle in her body, you askher."

"Miss –"


"Ashton," the doctor quickly amended, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. "Would you like for me to administer you with the Depo-Provera shot? It's a form of birth control that will prevent pregnancy for three months."

"I probably shouldn’t," I replied numbly, pulling myself into a sitting position.

"No?" The doctor's fluffy white brows rose in surprise. "I can assure you that it is very safe and effective."

I shook my head. "No thank you."

At a loss, the doctor turned to look at Trigger, who didnotlook happy with me.

His nostrils were flaring, jaw tight, and he looked like he wanted to kill me, but he offered a clipped nod. "Her choice."

Whoa, he just backed down, Ashton.

Maybe the old Trig is still inside of him after all.

"It's just that I'm already pregnant, doctor, so it would be a waste of a shot," I found myself needing to explain, as I folded my hands on my lap. Looking to Trig, I asked, "Can I have a bird now?"

He froze on the spot. "What?"

"A bird." Dropping my gaze to my bare thighs, I walked my fingers up and down my flesh, smiling when goose pimples appeared. "I hope Peter's cage is still here."

"Los cojones!" Trigger barked. "Stop with the mind games,corderito. Now!"

"Pregnant?" the doctor asked in a level tone.

"She isnotpregnant," Trig spat, turning his attention to the doctor. "I have been taking care of it." Releasing a furious snarl, he paced the room. "Her mind is slipping on her."

"Little pills," I mused, mind swirling. "Every day." A giggle escaped me. "But I'm far too clever for the wolf."

Clearing his throat, the doctor turned back to me. This time he spoke in a much softer tone. "Do you remember the date of your last period?"

"Mmm-hmm." Nodding, I continued to walk my fingers over my flesh. "It finished ten days before my initiation." I released a heavy sigh. "Fabio needed me to ovulate for Jethro." I peeked up at the doctor and smiled. "I did good, huh?"

"Are you fucking with me?" Trig roared. "Bastardo!"

"According to the code, it's a good omen for a whore to conceive on her initiation," I continued with a small shrug. "If a boy is conceived through initiation, he will rank above the others. It is extremely rare, but it is said that boy will become the rightful heir to the family legacy. Fabio was conceived through his birth whore's initiation." I smiled proudly. "And so was Trig –"

"But you did not!" Trig choked out, shaking now. "She did not conceive a monster for him to groom," he told the doctor. "I made sure of it."

"Nope," I whispered. "He's wrong again. I got sick and threw up."