“Lawyers,” he said dismissively. “Lawyers don’t even do their own work. Anyway, I trust you.” He handed her a manilla folder.

“Can I be of any help?” Lainey piped up.

Without even turning his eyes toward her, he waved a hand in her direction. “Monica will do fine, thank you.”

Add that he trusted her to the list.

Chapter fifteen

“Hey!”Jillgreetedherwith a cheery singsong. “How was work!”

“All right.” She kicked off her Mary Janes.

“Oh no, Eeyore, what happened this time?” Jill patted the couch next to her where she was wire-wrapping jewelry.

“Is my life that pathetic?” Lainey asked, flopping down on the couch.

“No, you’ve just been having a hard time lately. I didn’t mean to sound insensitive, I’m sorry.” Jill’s tongue was out in concentration, and Lainey laughed lightly at the juxtaposition of her words and her expression.

“It’s all right. I have something to tell you.” Jill’s eyes raised above the crystal she held in her hand. Seeing Lainey’s face, she set it down on the ground.

“Okay. What is it? You’re not moving out, are you?”

“No. I would literally be miserable with anyone else. It’s something else. It’s not about you at all.” She searched her brain for how to tell Jill without it sounding too scandalous and found that there was really no way to.

“Please don’t drag it out. I’m on the edge of my seat here.”

“Basically, I had sex with Bradley.”

Jill blinked. “Who is Bradley?”

“Mr. Arnault.”

She sat there for a moment, computing, and then a slow smile spread across her face. “You did not.” Her smile was widening, opening into a look of thrilled shock. “You did, didn’t you? Lainey!”

“I know. Don’t sound so pleased, please, I can’t take it. Is it weird? It’s too weird, isn’t it?”

“Oh, it’s definitely weird! So, what’s wrong? No, first, how was it?” She gripped Lainey’s forearm. “Please, I want to live through you vicariously for a moment. He is so beautiful.”

Lainey shrugged, palms up and swaying. “Transcendental?”

“Shut up!”

“No, I mean, I literally felt like he’d ripped me open and there was another me inside that was just a big clit.”

Jill honked a laugh and shook her by the shoulders wildly. “Stop! Okay, okay. I’m done. What’s wrong?”

“He’s being so weird. Today, he ignored me completely. I asked if I could help once, and he said that he didn’t need me. He needed Monica. And that’s the other thing: Monica. He told her something I thought he’d only told me, and now I’m in my head about it. What if there’s more to their relationship than I thought? What if this is his thing, and he’s just a skeevy boss that hires girls to bend over his desk?” Lainey was blathering, the words coming out faster than she would have liked.

“He bent you over his desk?! Lainey.” Jill’s hands ran down her arms to clasp her hands, and she just sat for a moment, her eyes shut and inhaling deeply. “I am so jealous.”

“Jill, I don’t know what to do.”

“Why does it matter if he’s just a skeevy dude? You got some . . . energy . . . out.”

“Because I like him!” The women sat with the confession for a minute, both wide-eyed. “I guess I like him. And I want to . . . I want him to keep liking me. I don’t know what I did wrong or if I can fix this.”

“I don’t think you did anything wrong.” Jill absentmindedly stroked the inside of her palm. “. Maybe he’s feeling guilty. Just play it cool.”