Page 47 of Love Notes

Zeke sneaks a peek in my direction.Remember this in the future. If she has to play mediator between us, she’ll forget about crying.

Like I said, big bro, I can add two and two together just as well as you.

Says the jock—

“Are you done yet?” a sharp voice intrudes.

Zeke and I snap to attention and see Livvie standing in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips. She’s glaring at us with nary a tear in sight. I smile. “Yup. Done.”

I cross the room and take her in my arms. “I love you, baby.”

She hugs me briefly before pushing me away. “I love you, too. Now, get to work.”

I salute her with a laugh. We’ll need to talk about this. It might not be the last time someone gets brave and comes after our girl, but, for now, she’s got a small smile on her face. Zeke’s tracking down the asshole who did this and we’re going to eat.

Later on, we’ll take her back to the condo and make love to her until there’s nothing left in her head but how much pleasure she can endure.

Maybe that’s how we handle everything—with food, sex, and love. Oh, and a side of vengeance.



Before I openmy eyes I already know they’re gone. I reach out and toss the pillows placed around me to their side of the cold bed. They either thought I’d roll off the bed without them in it or that I would mistake the pillows for them. They think they’re so clever, trying to leave the pillows as body doubles. They probably figured I’d be so exhausted from our sexual escapades that I would just mistake puffy pillows for their muscular bodies.

I can’t stop myself from rolling my eyes. I sit up and realize I’m still naked. I crawl to the side of the bed and flip on the lamp. I want to facepalm myself when I see it’s only a little after midnight. I don’t think I’d even made it until ten before I passed out to be honest. They knew how to wear me out. That’s the second time in a week they got me to pass out from their gentle caresses. At least this time it ended with orgasms. They made sure to wring out every orgasm they could from me.

I didn’t stand a chance at staying awake once we got home. I planned to keep them occupied all night so they’d stay in and wouldn’t get themselves into trouble. I knew they wanted to pulverize whoever ransacked my place. I figured if I could keep them busy with sex, they would pass out from pleasure. My plan obviously backfired big time.

I don’t know what their problem was but they didn’t let me pleasure them at all. If I tried to touch them to release some of their tension, they’d move my hand or occupy me with another orgasm. They were both wound so tight that I could feel it pulsing through them. It felt like a live thing vibrating around us. Neither one of them commented on the tension they were trying so hard to hide.

Every touch was gentle, even though I knew they were filled with rage. You would have thought that I was made of glass by the way they handled me. No one would have imagined that Zeke had taken my ass hard not even hours before. And beforethatLevi had pinned me down and taken me the way he wanted to, moving me around like I was a doll that he could do anything with. I flex my thighs at the memory.

My pussy is still slick from the orgasms they gave me before I passed out, and I know I have to curtail my own thoughts because they’re distracting me. I have to focus on the empty bed I’m currently sitting in. My men are missing and off doing god knows what. I’d never seen such rage on their faces as I had the moment they picked up one of the pictures. I thought the pictures would spontaneously combust with the force of their intense stares.

I debate sending them a group text. I already told them they better not do something that ends with them in jail. I even fibbed that I wouldn’t come see them. I had at least gotten them to laugh. They knew I was full of shit. I would immediately set up camp outside whatever prison they got sent to.

I fall back into the bed and look up at the white ceiling of our bedroom. “Our bedroom,” I say out loud to myself. It doesn’t matter what others try to do to shame us. I know I’ll end up with them each night. All of it is worth it to me. Still, I feel bad that Erika’s stuff was ruined because of me. She didn’t ask for any of this; I pulled her right into it.

I practically dragged her into our friendship. She really didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. I tried to make sure she always felt included. In the end I ended up messing up her life. She’s more than included now. She’s a casualty of the cruelty people are trying to dish out to me. Instead of texting Levi and Zeke, I decide to call Erika.

“Hey,” she says after one ring. There’s no whispering this time. I know where she is. There’s no hiding it now. Tank demanded that she stay with him after they had both seen firsthand what our room looked like. No other option was acceptable to him.

It’s not like you’re able to miss anything Tank says or does. He looks like a giant, especially standing behind Erika. He’d folded his thick arms over his barrel chest and was acting like her bodyguard. I knew he was itching to sweep her into his arms again and carry her away.

I’d always wondered if I’d fit between Zeke and Levi, but somehow I knew it would work. Between the two of them they can figure anything out. I can’t figure out how Erika and Tank are going to work, and from the way they were acting I don’t think they’ve crossed into that territory either. I know what Tank wants though. I could see it all over his face. It was the face of a man who wants something but won’t let himself have it or touch it. Zeke and Levi used to have that look when they were around me.

“Hey.” My voice wobbles when I hear her voice.

“Liv.” Erika says softly. “It’s fine. It’s just crap. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“I know some of those books weren’t crap,” I sniffle, trying not to cry. She doesn’t need my tears and I know they would probably make her cry, too. At least it did when we were at the dorm room last night. She told me she wasn’t crying about the room but crying because I was so upset. That only made me cry more because it was so freaking sweet. So we sat there and cried while three huge men stared at us like the world was ending and they had no idea how to stop it.

“It’s only stuff, Liv,” she reassures me again. “Rather have all my crap trashed than not have ever met you. It’s worth it.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. I might be about to cry, but I’m smiling because I know she means that.

“Why don’t you tell me about Tank?” I ask tentatively. That makes her laugh. I lie back down with the phone to my ear. I know I won’t be able to sleep, but Erika will help me pass the time until my men come home.