Page 37 of Love Notes

“I guess not.” She leans down and reaches out her hands to touch Levi when he and I both shout, “No!”

Behind Levi, a water boy trips. Two coaches run into each other. The medical tent gets knocked over. Levi grabs a towel from his waist and bombs it toward me. I catch it in one hand and thrust it toward a bewildered Olivia.

“What just happened?”

“A natural disaster,” Erika murmurs.

“Here, put this around your neck.”

“It’d be safer for all of us,” Erika urges. I give her a grateful look.

“I don’t know what the big deal is,” Olivia mumbles, but she ties the sweaty terry cloth around her neck.

Some of the tension drains out of my spine. “What happened to you being a rule follower?” I ask. “Back home you never tried any of this.” She wore cute stuff, but it was never revealing. She never really tested us before. In fact, ever since she’s stepped on to campus, she’s turned into someone completely different. Oh, she’s still sweet and innocent and kind, but there’s a mischievousness about her that I hadn’t really noticed before.

It sets me back on my heels. Levi and I thought we could control the whole situation, make sure that everyone toes the line and I guess in our arrogance we thought that included Olivia. That she’d wear what we wanted. Stay where we wanted her to stay. Do what we wanted her to do. But she’s her own person and she’s starting to flex and…that both scares the hell out of me and gives me a harder boner than I’ve ever had before.

I reach for her neck. “What now?” she asks, slightly irritated.

“I’m going to need that towel for a sec.” I pull it off and tuck it into the front of my jeans. No one needs to see my raging hard-on that I can’t do anything about for another—I check the scoreboard—forty minutes. Fuck, why are these football games so long?



“I’m so hungry,”Erika says as her eyes roam over the menu. We didn’t have time to eat before the game. We took so long making our shirts that we didn’t have time to grab a bite. Erica and I worked so hard on those shirts and my men didn’t even appreciate them. They didn’t have one nice thing to say about them. They seemed more pissed than anything else.

I didn’t tell them, but their reaction to the shirt I made especially for them hurt me. I played it off because I didn’t want them to see my disappointment. I don’t know if I’m being silly about it, so I’m keeping my trap sealed for now.

Maybe I need to eat something to calm down. “We ate that giant bowl of popcorn,” I remind her.

“You saying we shouldn’t get an app?” Erika asks, putting her menu down. Her face is so serious I burst out laughing.

“I didn’t say that.” I hold my hands up in alarm.

“Okay, cool, because the sampler has a little of everything,” she says with a nod as the redheaded waitress slides up to our table looking anything but friendly. I glance down to her name tag. Drina. She doesn’t look like anyone I know, so I just chalk her mood up to her having a long day. Erica and I order, but I swear I get an eye roll from Drina as she takes my menu from me. I furrow my eyes and try to place this girl. I’m pretty sure she’s not in any of my classes. I really don’t remember ever seeing her before. I shake it off. A few girls have been rude to me since Levi and Zeke have been all over me. I’m not going to waste time worrying myself over every person who has an issue with something I did or didn’t do in my life. Especially not some stranger named Drina.

I’m sure it’s clear by this point that the twins and I are a unit. People have to know that I’m not their sister or cousin, as some had originally thought. People are just so closed-minded that they can’t believe that both of them belong to me. They can’t wrap their minds around it. I can’t wrap my mind around how everyone is so concerned about what others do in their private lives. It’s frustrating. No, forget that, it’s fucking annoying. If these strangers think they are going to belittle me or make me feel self-conscious, they’re in for a rude awakening.

“She was rude,” Erika says as the waitress stomps from our table.

“Maybe she’s having a bad day.” I try to give her the benefit of the doubt and remind myself that not everyone is an asshole. My mom taught me to try and always see the good in people.

“You’re too nice,” Erika says. When we first met I didn’t realize she had a fiery side. Sure, she was shy and quiet, but I learned quickly she can be fierce when provoked. I don’t think she knows it’s in her either.

I’m guessing being shy and quiet has allowed her to slip under the radar. She keeps to herself mostly, so no one really has a reason to provoke her.

“I’m noticing,” I admit.

Erika shrugs. “Better than jaded. You got two men all over your ass to make sure no one messes with you.” She shrugs. I glance over my shoulder out the window to where Zeke is leaning against a tree playing on his phone. I say “playing,” but he’s probably working.

He walked Erika and me here after the game. Levi should be along shortly. His team won and had to go back to the locker room for a post-game team meeting. I could tell from the look in his eyes when he ran off the field after the game he was still worked up. I lick my lips thinking about what’s to come.

When I glance back to Erika, I see she’s looking out the window, too. I follow her gaze and see she’s looking past Zeke.

“What are you staring at?” It’s dark now and I can’t see far past where Zeke is standing. I squint, trying to get a closer look. I think I can make someone out. Whoever it is, he’s freaking huge. He may be bigger than my own men, but at this distance it’s too hard to tell.

“You see him?” she asks, and I turn back to look at her. My heart jumps—maybe this is what she was talking about this afternoon. I stupidly got wrapped up in the twins’ phone sex. Then we immediately rolled into making shirts for the game when Erika got home. Jesus, I’m a shitty friend. But as I stare at her face, she doesn’t look scared. No, she looks fascinated. It’s obvious to me that we have a new mission.