Me: Text only.
Riggs: I'll bring it over.
Me: No, have them delivered. And I said both, not just mine, Riggs.
Riggs: Pet, no good can come from you continuing to review those messages.
Me: Not your decision. I want the chargers.
Riggs: We need to talk.
Me: I'm not ready.
Riggs: You're having my baby. We need to talk.
I freeze, and my pulse pounds.
Riggs: Pet, I'm sorry. Let's work through this. I'll be damned if we don't raise our baby together.
Me: I'm not pregnant.
A moment passes.
Riggs: Don't lie to me, pet. And I won't have you keep our child from me.
Me: I'm not pregnant. And I'm not the one who lies.
Riggs: Then why the tests? And you haven't gotten your period.
Me: All three tests were negative. I had Rhonda get more today. I'm not pregnant. And I probably missed my period because of the hormones you shot me up with or all the stress I've been under.
There's silence as dots appear and then disappear. It happens several times.
Riggs: Do you swear the tests were negative?
Me: Yes. I wouldn't mislead you about a baby. Plus, I'm not the liar in this relationship.
Dots fill the screen and I quickly type another message.
Me: Sorry, ex-relationship.
"Ugh! Why did I say that?" I mutter and bang my head against the back of the couch.
Riggs: Don't say that.
Me: It's true.
Riggs: Why didn't you tell me you thought you were pregnant?
Anger flares within me.
Me: You didn't tell me a lot of things, now, did you?
More minutes pass. And I can't control the rage circling throughout me, spinning and spinning like a tornado out of control.
Me: You used me, Riggs.
Riggs: I used the situation to my advantage.