Page 69 of The Vow

I silently plead for her to tell me she left or for her to not answer me. Then I wouldn't have to deal with her today, but my plea goes unanswered.

Mom: Yes. I'm waiting.

She sends me another selfie as proof.

I groan, then tell the driver where to go. Within ten minutes, he pulls up to the cafe. Kalim escorts me inside, and I slide into the booth across from my mother.

Her face is bright red. She chirps, "Don't I get a hug?"

"You've been drinking," I snap.

She leans forward, and the hint of vodka hits me. Most people claim you can't smell it, and that's why it's an alcoholic's choice, but I always can. I grew up with her smelling like a fifth. She squeezes my hand and disregards my comments stating, "You've got to give me money, baby girl."

I hold my breath again, shocked. I shouldn't be. I should have seen this coming. I don't know what I expected, but we'll never have the relationship I've always wanted. I figured this out years ago in Al-Anon meetings. All our relationship has ever consisted of is what I can give her.

She slurs, "Help your mama out. I can't live like this. Your father got caught."

My heart races faster. I lean closer, wishing I hadn't heard the last part.

Please, God, tell me she didn't know.

She adds, "I told him not to be careless, but he didn't cover his tracks well enough." She blinks several times, as if she might pass out.

I yank my hand away from hers. My voice shakes as I whisper, "You knew?"

She blinks harder and closes her eyes, saying, "Money, Blakely. I need your money, baby girl. Don't leave me like this."

The vision of my mother turns fuzzy. I swipe at my cheek, grab all the cash I have in my purse, and slap it down on the table. I rise and declare, "That's all you're getting. Don't ever contact me again."

I glance at Kalim and realize the entire cafe's taking photos and whispering. No doubt it's about my mother and me and her drunken state. Embarrassment fills me, and I can't get out of there quick enough.

Kalim quickly leads me out to the vehicle. I sit back in the SUV, exhausted from the day and the entire state of my life.

My stomach churns, knowing my mother knew my father was stealing.

How much worse can my family situation be?

They aren't my family anymore. Riggs is.

For how long? What if he wants a divorce?

I need to get him back.

Why can't I tell him what he needs to hear?

I don't know why I'm surprised about my mother knowing. I shouldn't be. Her morals mirror my father's. But it's just another blow to my heart.

Then the thought of Riggs trying to give me the shares of his company tears at it further. I can't get the notion out of my head that he's doing it to try to divorce me. I can imagine it being his way to ensure I'm financially stable on my own.

Why else would he want to give them to me if what's his is mine?

When I finally get inside Apartment Thirteen and slide into bed, I sob hard. I've never felt so out of control, and all I can think about is calling Riggs and having him help me get back in control.

Then my phone rings. I glance at the screen and answer, "Riggs, my answer's the same. I don't want any of it."

Concern fills his voice. He admits, "I saw the photos. Are you okay, pet?"

I sit up in alarm. "Photos? What do you mean?"