The sound of that makes me queasy. I rise. "No, I don't want this. I'll earn my own money."
He stands and cups my cheeks, holding me so I can't avoid his blues. He asks, "Why wouldn't you want what is yours?"
I assert, "It's not mine. It's my father's."
"Wasyour father's," Riggs states.
I continue, "Like I said, I know nothing about managing a company or stock."
Amusement fills his face. "It's okay. I told you I'll run things. You don't have to worry. All you have to do is sit back and collect your money in your bank account."
"It's not my money! It's yours!" I cry.
He firmly declares, "You're my wife. Whatever I have is yours."
My heart beats so hard I think it'll explode out of my chest. I question, "Then why are you making me sign for this?"
He gives me no answer other than firmly restating, "It's yours."
My fears take hold. I blurt out the biggest one I have, accusing, "You're going to divorce me, aren't you?"
He slowly shakes his head. "No. Stop saying that. This has nothing to do with our issues."
My voice cracks when I say, "I don't believe you."
Red crawls into his cheeks. He proclaims, "This is only about giving you what's rightfully yours." He picks up the pen and, in his most controlling voice, orders, "Now sit down and sign, pet."
His tone makes my blood race faster. I squeeze my thighs together and almost do it just from hearing him give me a command, but I fight it and step back.
"I'm sorry. I can't," I cry out and run out of the room.
He follows me and grabs my arm when I get to the elevator. "Pet."
"I'm not doing it, Riggs. It's yours. Do whatever you want with it, but I'm not taking it from you."
"Blakely, it's not mine to keep," he firmly repeats.
The elevator doors open and I step inside. He takes a step forward, and I push on his chest. "Do not follow me. I'm not changing my mind, and I need to go."
Kalim steps between us. He calmly states, "You heard her, Riggs. Another time."
Riggs doesn't move, asking, "Blakely, where do you need to go? What's so important that we can't discuss this further?"
I admit, "I'm meeting my mom."
His eyes widen. He lowers his voice and asks, "Why would you do that?"
Kalim repeats, "Step back, Riggs. We've discussed this." He turns his warning glare on him.
Riggs hesitates, then eyes Kalim. He scowls but steps back, demanding, "At least answer my question. Why are you meeting with Madelyn?"
Tears well in my eyes, "I don't know. If you want the truth, I have no idea why I'm doing anything anymore."
Sympathy and frustration erupt on his expression as the doors to the elevator close. Kalim hits the button and it moves down.
I wipe my face. I avoid looking at him or anyone else and allow him to lead me to the SUV. I pull myself together and text my mother.
Me: On my way. Are you still there?