Page 63 of The Vow

Me: How's your morning going?

She replies straightaway.

Blakely: Okay. How's yours?

Me: Same.

Blakely: Busy day?

I take a deep breath, tapping my thigh, contemplating whether I should tell her.

Secrets got me into this mess,I remind myself and decide it's best if I fess up.

Me: I'm about to go into the conference room. Your father is here to sign his shares over to me.

Minutes of silence pass, and my chest grows tighter until I can't breathe.

Maybe I shouldn't have said anything?

I text her again.

Me: I didn't want to keep it from you.

Another few excruciating moments pass.

Blakely: Thank you for telling me.

I stare at the people below the building, rushing to wherever they're going on the sidewalk, wondering how everybody can go on with life so easily while I'm in hell and can't seem to escape.

Me: Are you angry with me for finishing this?

So much time passes, I panic again. She finally responds.

Blakely: Anger isn't the right emotion.

Me: What is?

Blakely: Maybe sadness.

I contemplate her response. I know it's her father. As much as I hated the situations my mom put me in, she was still my mother. However, Blakely agreed that it was okay for me to take him down.

Maybe now, after everything I've done and all the things she found out about, perhaps her opinion on this situation is different.

Me: But you aren't mad at me?

Blakely: No, just sad about it all.

I don't know what else to say.

Me: I don't want you to be sad.

Blakely: I know.

Because I can't help myself, I torture myself further.

Me: Are you ready to keep your vow to me and come home?

Dots appear, then disappear, then appear again. She sends me the same message she always does.