Page 58 of Corrupted

“What happens now?” Alex studies me intensely.

“We agreed that I have to take a step back. I’m not ready to leave all my posts, but I’ve made a new schedule under the supervision of my… former psychiatrist. I will re-evaluate the positions of my top men, and there’ll be changes in the structure of the palace’s security,” I explain.

“Good.” Alex raises his eyebrows. “When did you have time to meet a woman amid your burnout?”

“It’s your aunt’s fault, really,” I begin.

“Don’t deflect.”

“It’s Ivy Lin, and I’m bringing her over for dinner tonight. It’ll be a small affair. I have to ask Felicita—”

“Is this a joke?”

I shake my head.

Alex scrunches up his face, and we leave it at that. The workout is done. We take our shower in the lockers next door. We don’t talk, and I worry. I follow him up the stairs to the queen’s floors.

We reach their private living room with the view of Katantia. It’s interconnected with the dining room, giving it a relaxed feel that contrasts royal expectations. Kamila and Kendrick sit at the dining table. Kamila goes through government documents, awaiting Kendrick’s dinner time.

On the television in the far end, The Carey Jean Show plays for my grandson’s entertainment. It’s like Hannah Montana, but a clear rip-off.

My daughter-in-law brightens up when she sees us. Kendrick’s on his highchair with a teether in one hand and a baby giraffe on the table that he can’t avert his eyes from.

“How was the workout?” she asks, and Kendrick’s eyes shift to his mom.

“Fine,” Alex blurts out.

“Fine?” Kamila doesn’t buy it.

“Dad’s fucking his psychiatrist but other than that, fine.”

“Shh…” Kamila turns to Kendrick who’s widened and terrified eyes threaten us with a meltdown. “Daddy’s okay. Don’t cry now.”

Kendrick does just that. He has a little breakdown.

“Don’t ever do that again,” I tell my son, but I don’t look at him because I can’t focus on anything other than my grandson. Kamila picks up Kendrick, whispering sweet words to him to calm our young king down. She’s heavily pregnant, but she doesn’t shy away from being hands-on with Kendrick.

“What do you mean by….” Kamila addresses her husband, but she stops herself before cursing. “You and Ivy? Did I get that right?”

“Yes,” I confirm.

“Why are you upset about it?” Kamila asks Alex, and he sighs, taking a step back.

“Can I feed him?” Alex asks apologetically.

“Not unless you tell me what bothers you about your father’s relationship.”

“Who said anything about a relationship to you?” I ask.

“I’m big sister. I know things,” Kamila states with her head held high. Kamila’s always fun, but she’s most humorous pregnant as of late.When she’s not about to explode. She tickles Kendrick, and he squeals in response, gradually forgetting about his outburst. “Smolyakov told me when the guards refused to open their mouths.”

Fucking Smolyakov.

“She treats you, Kamila. Fylox is doing great under her guidance. That’s what bothers me. She’s heavily involved with my family, and if she and Dad… I don’t want to ruin the balance we’ve all found,” Alex explains. He curses under his breath. “Look, I’m sorry for the explosion. It took me by surprise. I thought you’d met somebody unrelated to all of this. We can’t lose Ivy to a silly affair.”

I keep quiet. I don’t want to discuss this in front of my grandson, who’s obviously too young to understand adult problems, but he sensed his dad’s trouble anyway.

“Do you want Daddy to feed you? Or Mommy? Say Mommy,” Kamila addresses Kendrick. He makes a couple of noises, babbling for our entertainment. “Okay, you little cheat. Daddy it is.”