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I’m not here to be a good boy tonight.

The view from my windows is stagnant if one only ignored the pulse of Katantia. This wicked place of sin has been my home for a week.

Katantia isn’t the type of place you book hotels on the internet for. It’s an island in the Arabian Sea. A colony if you’re a cynic.

King Aram Wraith’s parents bought it from another colonizer, a desperate one, eager to go back home to his tea and butter.

Oh, but Katantia is a land of joy today.

To fly into this country, you either shit cash, or you pee cash. They don’t accept just about any tourist. They’re not desperate. Any Katantian man is born and bred to do one thing: Find a way to exploit pussy. Sex sells on Katantia. It’s their oil, sugar, and cotton, all put together.

It’s Vegas, Amsterdam, and Bangkok on steroids.

People come here for pussy (and dick if you roll that way), but somehow, Katantia is the dick that penetrates you until you’re their flimsy slave.

Drained of all your money.

Drained of cum.

Drained of sanity.

Any other man would have lost it by now.

This is my final day in this place of hell. You see, I’m a good boy. My momma raised me well. Dad was… He was the fucking best. I grew up on cloud nine, motherfuckers.

I never noticed this one flaw inside of me.

I’m attuned to others’ emotions. I feel it all. The good. The bad. Call me a spoiled little dickhead, and I’ll whop you because, hello, my dick’s just fine, thank you very much. I’m a spoiled bitch, and I only found out I was damaged goods the day my momma was buried.

My brother’s a tough man. He takes after mom although he’s my twin. He was always joyful, making all the girls comfortable, giggly and squirmy. Mom and my brother were the charmers while my dad and I… Well, we sat back and enjoyed the show.

Dad’s death set us back, but my brother and I had already moved out of San Ricardo, chasing… What exactly were we chasing in police academies and war? We’re military brats. We did what our parents expected us to do.

Follow in their footsteps.

How it filled them with joy… I can’t even describe it without being brought to tears.

Yes, you sleazy piece of shit. I cry. I can kill you, too, if you think that’ll get you hot and bothered. It sure as hell makes me hard.

Fuck. I can’t think of that.

I’ve been on Katantia for seven days now, and I’ve adamantly refused to leave the palace. Perhaps I should’ve taken the princess’ offer for a ride to the mountain top. She seemed kind. Out of everyone that I met, she and that Travis Cross guy made me feel at ease. Their troubles were enough to drain me for a day, but their hospitality made up for it.

If I’d known that taking a spontaneous vacation to Katantia would result in me wanting to snort just about anything to take the edge off, I’d have bowed out of the assignment.

But, you see, the people that have me by the balls don’t listen to what a pussy-sucker like me has to say.Oh, you feel too much, you pussy? Suck on this dick, White.

This is my job, and taxpayers’ money has been spent so that I can fulfill my purpose.

Remember how I said Katantia is Vegas, Amsterdam and Bangkok on steroids? Guess who doesn’t appreciate it?


The land of the free’s been on Katantia’s ass for a while now. There’s always a bigger threat, another pressing issue. I’m the lucky guy that’s managed to find himself in the midst of a decades-long diplomatic debacle.

I’m in my prime, and as luck would have it, Katantia’s open for penetration.

Big Daddy might toot his own horn back home, thinking that he’s the only one blessed with the courage to attempt what I’m here to do. But the minute I stepped foot into this palace, I sensed the presence of our allies. And our rivals.