Page 9 of Grey

Never have I seen drier tears, but what could I do? Complain about it? It’s not like mipreciosadoesn’t know that my cunt of awifecries daily for me. I’m awfully familiar with painful tears.

Mipreciosawas afraid that she wouldn’t crave my dick anymore. That if her pussy dried up, I would replace her.

She keeps playing those games with me, baiting me to trade her for something better. But she knows that at the end of the day, she holds the keys to my kingdom. I have to go through her if I want my full power instated all over the continent. She’s the one that’s seen it all at the side of her now-deceased husband. She’s famous.

I’m just the lousy runner-up with the ugly wife and the useless mistress.

In my rage, I crease my tie, cursing at the sight in the mirror. I’ve been on edge for days now. I fucked mipreciosabefore leaving for my Katantia vacation, but it’s not the same as taking from mywife. When I fuck the cunt in this room, my cunt, I’m reminded of who I really am.

Four years ago, I took an innocent eighteen-year-old, I stole her virtue, and I turned her into my whore, removing her from her family. Not that said family cares about her. When her father handed her to me, he breathed out in relief right there in the church I wed his daughter in.

There’s not a man in my close circle that hasn’t fucked her nasty holes.

They say I’m cruel, and I might be. I should’ve found a better cunt to share with my men, but mipreciosawas pushing me at the time. For the looks of it, I had to provide a wife. Usually, one would assume that a wife meant heirs.

I don’t have any heirs.

Mipreciosacan’t produce any. Mywifeis too dirty and ugly for such a task.

This should be a matter that concerns me, but I plan on outliving anyone who dares to take over the kingdom I’m owed. I use mipreciosa’s insecurities to my benefit.

I fish out the tiny plastic bag of coke in my pocket. Popping it open, I distribute it evenly on the back of my hand with the edges of the plastic bag. As I snort it, I cherish this week away from mipreciosa.

It’s given me perspective.

She made me a man, but she stripped me of my confidence. Of course, nobody knows. If they did, they wouldn’t respect me. What everyone is aware of is how madly in love I am with mipreciosa. I am. So is Aram with Kamila and his older bitch, Felicita. We’re men of variety. I like that about my new best friend.

But Aram doesn’t let his bitches rule over him.

I get rid of the plastic bag. I brought a small sample for my new friend, and this was the last of it. Mipreciosawould kill me if she found out I sampled our goods, but I don’t care. She’s not here.

With a grin on my face, I step into the bedroom, eager to get the party started. If I play my cards right, Aram Wraith will take my side. He doesn’t respect women for anything more than their holes. Would he help me put mipreciosain her place?

I break out in shivers at the thought of it.

Rolling my neck, I ease the tension inside. I peer at the king-sized bed, and I find mywifeunprepared, an emotionless mess sitting at the edge of a bed she should never even sleep in. With her behavior, she deserves to sleep on the cold floor. Naked with no inch of dignity.

“We’re leaving in five,” I hiss at her in our native tongue.

She doesn’t move. I look at her with disgust in my features. How is she supposed to represent me? Stand by me? She can’t even defend herself.

I reach her in an instant, smacking her in the face. It feels like I’ve broken her nose. She winces, making no further sound. “I said we’re leaving in five.”

After a moment of silence, I call Aram. He’s a busy man, and it’s an important day. I can test our friendship right now.

“Máximo, what’s up?” he says, an imitation of the pricks above the Mexican border.

“I have a favor to ask.” My gaze never leaves my wife. She’s bleeding out, but she refuses to admit defeat.

“Anything for my guest of honor.”

I blurt out, “I can’t come to the festivities. Forgive me. I know how important today is.”

“Something has come up?”

“Mywife… She’s been disobedient, and I fear a public display of her will be—”

“I understand. There are barricades in place for the guests not to stray into our private quarters. I’ve shown you the ins and outs of the palace, haven’t I? Make yourself at home, my boy. If you need help at the end of it, dial your special number. Everything will be sorted out.” He sighs. It honors me that he’s thought of everything. “Make her suffer, will you? I was looking forward to your conversation tonight. I say fuck her unruly pussy. That’s just me. I know you have your honor.”