“We’re your family?”
“You are.”
“YOU’RE PREGNANT?”Tara shrieks. She kicks off her heels, pacing. We’re outside of the bathrooms, and luckily, there’s nobody else around.
“Will you shut your mouth?” Vegas whisper-hisses.
“SHUT UP!” Vegas urges Tara. Warmth floods me. Tara’s eyes are wide, but her arms are wide open. She murmurs stuff to herself, and then she looks at me.
“It’s not a joke?”
I shake my head.
“HOLY SHIT! HOW?” She surges forward, and I find myself in another hug. “This… Holy FUCK. You’re not supposed to be pregnant, sweetie. You…”
“I know,” I say, blushing.
“We still have to go to the doctor’s to confirm it,” Vegas informs Tara. She nods, processing the information. “That’s why I’d love for you to keep your mouth quiet.”
“Do the others know?” Tara whispers.
“Not yet,” I reveal. “I don’t know how to tell them.”
“Sweetie, they fuck you without condoms. You can tell them that you’re pregnant. They won’t ostracize you,” Tara says. She lets go of me, but her eyes are fixed on my belly. “Grey, I don’t pray, but FUCK… We need this little baby! Don’t let it be a mistake. Please!”
She lowers her gaze, sweet hums erupting from her. “Whose is it, if I may ask?”
“Officially, we’ll register it as Charles’ baby,” I tell her. Vegas opens his mouth, but whatever he has to say dies down. I stunned him. “But it could be anyone’s baby. It doesn’t matter. If this baby is real, and my body can keep it, it won’t matter who fathered it.”
“Oh shit. Yes, of course,” Tara quickly adds. “I can’t believe it. I… I need a fucking drink! Can I be the godmother?”
“Is that even a question? Of course. That way, we never have to explain to our child that I once broke up your marriage with my dick,” Vegas comments, rolling his eyes.
“That never happened!” Dismissive of the truth, I clear my throat. I raise my voice to make a point. “And, yes, you can totally be the godmother.”
“Does anyone care to join me?” Tara asks, twirling around by the door to the club.
Vegas shakes his head. “Nope. In solidarity with my sugar puff, I’m sober until this baby comes out.”
“This is CRAZY!” Tara yelps as she pushes the heavy door open, leaving behind her heels. She just walked barefoot into a nasty club. Because. I. Told. Her. I’m. Pregnant.
“See how much this ex of mine loves you?” Vegas teases me, and I sour. “I bet all of my exes would love to know I’m becoming a baby daddy. I’ll be irresistible.”
“You already are and don’t even think of your exes,” I warn him, drawing my eyebrows together.
Vegas takes my mouth, shutting me up before I can complain about the previous women in his life. His tongue envelopes with mine in a dirty dance of teasing. He whispers on my lips, “Sugar puff, are you happy?”
I don’t reply.
“Is it even real?” I ask.