Page 54 of The Twins

That’s a question I never want to ask out loud because it’s more than disgusting.

Grey and Remo are a part of me, and I don’t want to exist without them. My dipshit brother is a dipshit, but fuck, he’s my dipshit. I grew up idolizing him. He was the perfect son. My parents loved everything about him. He had zero flaws, except maybe when he overstayed his welcome at the library and mom got worried sick about his whereabouts.

Whatever I did, it was never enough.

“It’s a bad day for me,” Remo explains. He doesn’t touch our girlfriend as much as he should. He slides to the floor, sitting down with his legs to spread. She sits on top of his lap, and he doesn’t move his hands to hug her. He’s not wearing anything but his briefs. “I shouldn’t have made the promise to pick you up. I’m sorry.”

“As you should be!” I sneer from the side.

“Hey! Keep it to yourself,” Grey remarks. She rubs my brother’s chest, longingly staring into his eyes. I can tell that he’s lost in a space we don’t know. He’s not fully with us, and it breaks my heart because my sugar puff loves him so fucking much.

Maybe more than all of us.

They relate to each other in a way I don’t understand.

It’s like I’m third-wheeling, but I’m in this fucking relationship, too.

“Do you want me to tell you a story? A naughty one?” Grey teases him. His smile is faint, but he encourages her to continue. “I promise you’ll love it.”

“Have you ever heard of an island called Katantia?” Grey asks my brother. He peers up at me, and I freeze on the spot.

I ask, “You know?”

“Of course,” Remo replies. His eyes bear into me like daggers. “Charles is the one who doesn’t know. I’ve known about Vegas’ past for a while now. His agency keeps records of all of his wrongdoings.”

“I saved Grey. Was that wrong?” Vegas hisses.

“You took too fucking long,” Remo replies.

“Let’s not dwell on that part.” Grey gushes, “Over there, they have the hottest queen I’ve ever seen. Holy hell! I’m telling you. I saw her in a bathroom in the most normal clothing ever. She was wearing a crop top! Nothing about this screams elegance, right? She was, though. She’s the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever encountered.”

“I beg to differ,” I chime in.

“That’s my opinion,” Grey says, blushing. “You know what she did to me?”

Remo finally wakes up, his senses alert. About fucking time. If our girl had been in danger at this moment, she’d be long gone. He needs to get a grip!

“I got my period again,” Grey reveals. Remo’s eyes go wide, and he leans in to whisper something in her ear. I don’t hear all of it, just her gasps and his kisses to her neck. “I was feeling helpless, but she offered to help.”

“How did she do that?” Remo finally asks. His hands reach the naked and juicy thighs of our woman. She’s wearing one of my shirts. The G-Unit one I got from a vintage store in NYC. She isn’t wearing any panties because she’s a temptress like that. Fuck, she’s hot.

Grey takes Remo’s forefinger, circling it with her fingertip. “Remember how you put my tampons in?”

Both Remo and I nod.

“Charles was on the phone, guiding me. I-I felt hot about it like I was about to do something forbidden.” Grey writhes on my brother’s lap, and I stroke myself at the sight. He takes the hand off her thigh, finding her needy pussy below my T-shirt. He spreads her open, rubbing her sweet clit.

“She touched my pussy,” Grey confesses. A moan escapes her when Remo picks up his pace. “And… I wanted more. I wanted her to touch me like you do. Kiss me like you do. Is that bad? I felt starstruck by her.”

When Remo doesn’t reply, I almost open my mouth and tell her that I’d let her do anything she wanted with the Queen of Katantia–if she consented to it and her partners were fine with it.

“I-I want to be like her,” Grey gulps. “She’s so secure in her own identity. When her fingers caressed my folds by accident as she was cleaning me up, I almost came. I didn’t want to hurt you, though.”

“You wanted her to lick your pretty pussy? You wanted to seduce Queen of Katantia?” Finally, Remo picks up on the mood of the room. “Did you make your daddy come on the phone? Was that why I couldn’t find him?”

Grey shakes her head, hiding her face in Remo’s chest. “N-No! I didn’t. That’s rude. Kamila was just helping me.”

“But you wanted her all over your pussy? Did you want to lick her pussy as well?” Remo caresses our woman’s hair. Her hair’s been getting wavier naturally, and Grey loves it that way. She enjoys letting it down, taking care of it.