But they’re there.
On the day I lost my world, Mr. David decided to take away the last piece of my existence. He’s like the air that I breathe, the water I should drink but don’t. He’s there, and he’s not.
I ignored him, and now, he’s leaving San Ricardo.
“Force him to eat,” Vegas demands nonchalantly. Mr. David ignores my brother. Fuck him for that. Why do I have to be the sole focus of his attention right now when I need it the most? Why does it have to hurt so much when he proves that I matter to him?
My brother goes on, “Tomorrow, I’m taking you to a nutritionist. A doctor. And quit your fucking job, Remo. Nobody asked you to be superman.”
It’s never a question. Words aren’t spoken, but hopes are outlined in bubbles, waiting to burst.
Vegas sees me as his little project for now. He can be the great guy I pretend to be 24/7.
In a couple of days, his newly found fascination will settle.
And then, it’ll be my broken heart and I that are left to pick up the pieces.