In an instant, she reaches out for paper towels, and she pats me dry.
“Thank you,” I mouth at her. She nods, her piercing gaze locking in on my body.
While I hold on to my phone, Kamila steps between my thighs. I can hear Charles breathing down the line in anticipation, and I love sharing it with him. Kamila doesn’t drag the moment out.
Kamila finds my hole, and she slips in the tampon effortlessly. Once I feel plugged, I can finally breathe again. She takes some more paper towels, and she pampers me, making sure that I don’t drip on my way out of this bathroom.
“It’s done,” I tell Charles while Kamila gets rid of the bloody paper towels. I hop off the sink, my ass almost numb from the touch.
“Say thank you to your friend,” Charles reminds me.
“Thank you,” I say to Kamila as she returns to wash her hands. She smirks at me.
“She seems dizzy,” Kamila says out loud. “I’ll accompany her outside. Does that sound good?”
“Yes,” Charles agrees. “Thank you for taking care of her. She’s a good girl. She’s just not used to periods.”
I playfully roll my eyes and I adjust my dress.
“Be a good girl for me,” Charles says, getting ready to hang up.
“Yes, I will,” I promise. “Come back home.”
“I will. Always.”
Charles hangs up. I look at Kamila, and I don’t feel embarrassed. She grins, infecting me with her exquisite mood.
“I’m starstruck, and I don’t even know who you are,” I tell her as we exit the bathroom.
“I’m Kamila Ruby Wraith, the Queen of Katantia.”
“It’s nice to meet you.”