Page 60 of The Twins

Grey doesn’t stop there, determined to finish the job before she lets her body turn to butter.

Sugar puff uses her tongue to seduce my body parts. She licks me all the way from my hole to my testicles, and back down she goes. She does this once, twice. When her cute little finger shyly presses down on me, begging me to let her in, I can’t take it.

I come.

We’re a mess of sweat, heavy breathing, and come. But Grey decides to cuddle me, nonetheless.

My brother and Charles share a look, one I can’t interpret.

Before I allow it to ruin my mood, I shut my eyes, and I inhale Grey as she climbs my body, smearing my come all over her skin.

* * *

“How often doesthis kid need new nails? For fuck’s sake,” I curse as I take the 405 for the seventh time this month. I avoid this interstate with all my might, but when sugar puff needs me on it, I do it.

For her.

“She’s trying out designs for social media,” Grey explains. “Her team insists on her always looking fresh and pretty.”

“She’s fifteen?” I ask.

Grey nods. “I know. I-I’m weirded out.”

“If you see anything fucked up, you call me. Understood?” I tell her. She’s dealt with her fair share of crazy people since she moved to LA and made her social media following.

She even had requests to start an OnlyFans, but our sugar puff turned that down.

“I will.” She holds on to her phone. “I wasn’t supposed to come in today. Carey called me to say that our appointment for tomorrow has been rescheduled to today.”

“Carey? I’m surprised the kid knows how to use a calendar,” I joke, leaving the interstate.

“She may be a teen pop star, but she’s not out of touch with reality,” she reminds me. “When she was a baby, iPhones were unleashed to the world. Kids today are technically savvy.”

After what feels like hours on the road, I pull into the gated community where my sugar puff gets paid to work. I don’t want her to come here, but the others are convinced that the Jean family is intricately involved with one of the Pedo Perv Task Force projects that Charles and Remo are working on.

We show our IDs to the guard, and I don’t miss how he checks my woman’s license twice. She shakes in her seat, and I want to cut the man for that. Fuck.

Grey puts her hand on my thigh as I collect our IDs, and I drive down the road of mansions.

“That was the same guy who sent me away when I was waiting for Remo,” she tells me.

It’s been weeks since the incident, and my brother’s been behaving. We’ve regressed back to the happy family we always are. Charles and Remo work overtime at the Pedo Perv Task Force.

Later today, we all plan on going out for Tara’s birthday party.

We celebrate our friend and our first anniversary.

“Relax,” Grey whispers to me. “I’ll be done in four hours. Is Charles picking me up?”

I nod as I scowl at the house my sugar puff works at.

The teen’s momager is a privileged lady that has nothing better to do other than squeeze the life and money out of her teenage daughter.

My woman kisses me on the cheek as I hand her the suitcase she carries to her work appointments.

“Be a good girl for us,” I tell her. She nods, and I watch her disappear into the mansion.

On my way home, I’m stuck in traffic for two hours. I run down my favorite Pac albums, blasting the music with my windows down. Rude, I know.