Page 56 of The Twins

To my knowledge, they didn’t break.

A sharp suspicion gob-smacks me, but I’m too astonished by my sugar puff orgasming on my brother’s fingers to do anything about it.

I watch as Remo cleans her up downstairs in her bathroom. She leaves my shirt on, and we go back to the living room, where Charles waits for us with the pizzas on the table.

* * *


“Yes, my sugar puff?” I don’t want to wake up, but when my woman sounds this needy, she makes me want to build her the world. I hug my pillow, wishing it was my sugar puff’s body I was wrapped around. She sleeps with my brother these days, and I miss her so much.

“I’m horny,” she blurts out, and fuck, she sounds wide awake. “I need you.”

I grunt. It’s not my fault that she can’t resist my dick now, is it? Her hands are on my back, running little circles around my skin. She’s considerate, that girl of ours. If she wanted my ass, it’s right there for her to grope. I’ve seen her check it out, and she always blushes like a naughty schoolgirl when I catch her scanning my body for spank bank material.

Likewise, sugar puff.

Grey doesn’t throw herself at us. She asks for it instead, like good girls do. Freaking Charles. My sugar puff could suck me off in my sleep, and I wouldn’t blink an eye.

But I wouldn’t mind since she’s my sugar puff. No other woman would ever be allowed to touch me like that. The thought is disgusting. How vile was I before? Letting all the skanks corrupt my precious body? I should’ve waited to pray at my sugar puff’s temple. She makes everything worth it.

I can’t change the fact that I’m a certified manwhore turned sugar puff worshipper.

I’m sleepy, and I make no sense whatsoever. Plus, I have a boner now. “You want me alone or with company?”

“Remo and Charles are awake already,” she reveals, and I slap myself awake. There’s no way I’m missing out on this spectacle. My limbs feel heavy, and my head pounds, reminding me of how little I slept.

“What are you in the mood for?” I ask, rubbing my eyes. My face feels warm, and I can’t wait to watch my girl get freaky with me. “I wouldn’t say no to one of your deepthroat—”

“I want anal,” she confesses, blushing like the sky before the sun sets. Or vice versa.


“All three of you.”

“At the same time?” I tease.

Her eyes widen. “No! No. Just… Make me feel silly. I’m horny. Please?”

I get up from my empty bed, and she watches me stretch. I spend a little extra time putting on a subtle show for her, just to see her salivate. With her deceased husband, she never had a good man by her side or someone who was a fine motherfucker like me.

Good man, you said? Oh, Vegas. You’re not supposed to lie to yourself.

“You make me want to suck your cock right this minute,” sugar puff blurts out, squeezing her juicy thighs together as I put on my underwear. My cock gravitates toward her, and it’ll only rest once it’s been inside of her.

Grey’s dressed in one of Remo’s old army shirts, branded with his name and title by her chest.

She’s ours, isn’t she?

And she wears no fucking panties when we’re around. She gives us easy access to her sweet pussy, and I can almost taste her pussy on my lips right now. All it would take is a sneaky kiss to her collarbone, and she’d take her rightful place on my bed. I could fuck her for a few rounds before Charles and my big bro get their hands on her, right?

“We need to go downstairs,” she urges me, licking her lips. “Please.”

I gesture at her, letting her lead the way. She slips through the doorframe, and I follow my woman across the house. “Vegas, I need you to sway the others.”

“For what?” I ask, my eyes swaying over the pictures on the wall. It’s been a long fucking while since I’ve felt like a part of a proper family. Back when I was part of a loving family, I didn’t appreciate it. That has changed now.

“I want anal, right?” Her gaze is lowered, and her steps are shy as we navigate through our home.