Page 23 of The Twins

With my cartel buddies, I storm Máximo Martí’s property in Quito, Ecuador. I speak their language like I’m one of them, and only barely do they tolerate me to work with them. I’m a gringo, and they have better shit to do than entertaining me.

I’m in no way dressed to welcome this elusive and tortured woman into my arms. Make no mistake that I want her, but… There’s always one of those, isn’t there? I will not make her stay with me.

Today, as we ride into the Martí estate, ready to take him out, I understand that Amira won’t see my face.

We’re all wearing the same thing. Covered from top to bottom in black, we’re wearing awfully long clothes for summertime in Quito’s heat. In case this goes wrong, we don’t want any tattoos or scars revealing our identities.

The cheap fast-fashion material covering me itches my skin, but I couldn’t show up in a suit now, could I?

In the car, we keep silent. Our plans are known, and there’s no need to go over them again.

The first cars take out the security at the gates on our way into the estate, granting us entry. We speed through now to get to Martí’s living quarters. A van stays behind at the gates to keep watch and take care of any security at the estate’s borders.

Quite frankly, I zone out once we pass the gates. I went for the preppy schoolboy look with a backpack on my back, and it works. My partners in crime give me that look, the annoyed one. They hate that I’m messing with their badass imagery.

What can I say? I needed a safe hiding place for the cash I’m carrying.

The men in my car are buzzing with fear and adrenaline, and I can’t be feeling either of those things right now.

I’m expecting to see Amira. From afar, but I’ll catch a glimpse that I’ll be forever grateful for.

I’ve planned her escape, but who will receive her once she’s in San Ricardo… That’s up to the Chief.

Honestly, I pray he doesn’t recognize her. She’s the wife of the Chief’s cousin, but he never had a good relationship with him. He never attended their wedding.

If he recognizes her… Amira could be in danger.

The Chief is a complex man that I don’t yet understand, and I’ve been spying on him for almost a decade now. I wish I had a guarantee that Charles wouldn’t send Amira back to Ecuador to live with his mother, but I don’t. I have no idea whether he loves or loathes his mom.

Big Daddy expects me to take care of Charles’ bitch of a mommy, but for now, I’ll look after Amira, and then I’ll search for the wicked bitch. For all his lies, the Chief is a good man, somewhere deep inside of him. He risks a lot for the operation. He finances most of it, and he pours his everything into giving the human trafficking victims their new lives.

The man’s selective about who he protects, and unfortunately, that’s rubbed off on me.

Instead of going after big targets for Big Daddy, I’ve spent months focusing on the future of one man who abused a woman in my presence.

Once the vans reach a halt, the doors open, and we flood the estate.

Not a breath is wasted. The bloodbath begins with the guards.

I don’t stay to watch the rivers flow. I’m on a mission to find the woman I’ve lost my mind for. For months, I’ve been studying the floor plan of Martí’s estate, and I’ve memorized in which room he keeps Amira.

When his older bitch sleeps over, they have a separate bedroom for that. Martí has no decency at all, but at least he spares Amira from having to sleep in the same bed that he shares with his actual wife.


Amira’s not even his real wife.

He’s playing mind games with her, making her think that she’s married when Martí secretly tied the knot with Alexis Nina.

It’s a whole fucking scam, and I shouldn’t think about it if I want to have a clear head tonight.

Stomping up the stairs, I keep an eye out for angry guards on Martí’s payroll.

Martí keeps Amira on the top floor of his home, but she’s not his priority. He doesn’t deserve to appear as her husband. Fuck.

Agony causes my fingers to tremble in anticipation.

I can’t afford to collapse tonight. I’ve slept, I’ve eaten, and I’ve worked out in preparation for this moment. I’ve changed my entire routine. I’m a trained man with one weakness.