Page 43 of Bride of Monsters

"So, tell are you sure my parent's didn't die in a terrorist attack?"

"At the time of their deaths, your parents were in contact with a malevolent spirit. They did so inside a church which also serves as a gateway into what once was considered a divine realm. Something went wrong. Everyone in that church was massacred. The powers-that-be—the police chief here maybe—declared it a terrorist attack to obfuscate the supernatural aspects of the incident. As you can see, the file was closed in arush and nothing more was done after that. That likely means that whatever caused your parents death was over their heads."

"You know more than you're saying." I leaned in closer and flipped open the file, not letting myself look at any grotesque images. Pointing to the unseen images inside, I asked, "Doesn't it seem like this is a rather personal attack? Their bodies were so badly charred, they had to be identified by dental records." I choked on my own bile. Even bit my lip to hold the bad memories at bay.

"I do know more, and I'm going to tell you more. Isn't that what we agreed on?"

I leaned back in the chair, folding my arms across my chest. "If it wasn't a terrorist attack, then what was it? Who was it?"

"I have a brother." With that, Apollyn got up from the chair and turned away from me.

"Oh, my God. Really? You have a brother? Let me guess, do you share with him too?"

"I don't share!" Apollyn spun around, a searing rage contorting his face. His voice rose up like a thunderclap. "Do not compare me with my sons."

Oddly, I didn't feel afraid of him. I knew I should've feared him, and what he could. His sons had even warned me to stay away from him.

I frowned. "Well, then...since you feel so entitled, tell me about your brother who you do not share with."

"His name is Asmodeus. He was like me. A shadow demon. A King. But a long time ago, he was...killed. Your parents were about to raise him on the night they died."

"My parents would never raise a demon from the dead. It's against their very nature."

"You never know." He shrugged. "I mean, look at you. You're infatuated with three demons of your own, aren't you?"

My face flushed in shame. "That is different."

"Is it now?"

"My father wasn't like me," I whispered. "If he knew about my relationship with your sons, he would never approve. Never. So, it's hard to believe he would try to raise a demon from the dead."

Apollyn raised her eyebrows and inquired, "What if he was tricked into it?"


"Someone from that church had such a deep-seated loathing of supernaturals that they sought to eradicate them. What better way to do this than by summoning a demon and making an offer so good he couldn't refuse."

"But my sister, my whole family. We are supernatural. Why would he want to help do that?" I didn't understand.

"That's simple. He would gain from it. You possess extraordinary powers, yet you are not viewed as a volatile danger to mankind. You are a mere witch. On the other hand, my kind can bring mass devastation in a matter of seconds if we wanted to. Shifters have been known to go on murderous rages. Vampires feed in the city at will even now. Certain malicious, restless entities from beyond the grave torment the living until they can take no more and succumb to death." Apollyn looked at his long black fingernails and smiled. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Have you not heard that phrase before?"

"I have. Why did he think raising your brother Asmodeus would help?" I asked.

“Hear me out...It seems the church was employing your father to handle some potentially dangerous supernatural organizations. He must have thought that enlisting a supernatural being to assist him in taking out the others was his only option. Or, someone might have convinced him that was the way to go."

"Why Asmodeus? Your brother? Why not were already living."

"I would not have been a puppet for your father. I would not be anyone's puppet for any reason at all. I crave total power."

I gasped. "You're a pride demon."

Apollyn grinned. "Close. I have much pride yes. Maybe that who spawned me was a pride demon. But the classification you seek is desire. What I desire, I get."

"But if you have too much pride to cave to someone else's request, why your brother? Wy Asmodeus?"

"Asmodeus thrives on vengeance. Some mistake him for being a justice demon, who one can bend to their will for the purposes of inflicting punishment for wrongdoing, but I know my brother—he is vengeful to his core," he said. "I saw in the flames that your father was trying to use Asmodeus as a tool of wrath against enemies. That was foolish of him. Asmodeus cannot be used a tool."

"How did my parents end up dead?"