Page 38 of Bride of Monsters

That one world struck fear in my soul and I didn't know why. But I was afraid for me.

"I can never give them access to ancestral magic, Millicent, not with Magda still at the helm of their court," I declared. "She killed my aunt and she would've killed me if I had let her."

"And your demons?" Millicent whispered.

"They are my demons, Millicent. And I have bonded with them. I'll never renounce my ties to them, not even if hell freezes over."

Millicent squeezed my hands in hers. "I understand. Sadie, you are braver than I thought. I never thought you'd become the woman you are today."

"I had to. To survive, I had to," I told her.

"I have to go." Millicent looked behind her like someone was after her. "Next time I see you, and I hope it's soon, I hope to have more information about that ancient Viking dagger Sydney might be after. We have a junk digger too in our coven."

We both laughed at the nickname we gave Sydney so long ago. Sydney always brushed it off, saying she was going to be the best junk digger there ever was. And I believed her. What I didn't believe was that it would cost her life.

Chapter 17


Ihad been trying days now to figure out how to teleport from the Shadow World to the void. I had no problems teleporting from Earth o the void, so why I couldn't I do it from a supernatural realm. Every time I thought I had mastered the technique, something would come up and it would fail. Although I longed to return to Earth and my apartment, I was filled with apprehension and fear. Could I really risk going back with so many people searching for me? Was the danger worth it?

I wanted to escape from my fears, but knew that I couldn't hide forever. I had to take a risk and trust the spell. Everything said that it should work, yet for some unknown reason, it wasn’t manifesting in Shadow World. My heart raced as I felt the power of the magic within me, yet I was still unable to break free.

I was caught in the middle of a dilemma—should I stay hidden and remain safe, or should I take the risk just to be with my men? The fear of being discovered was crippling, but so was the feeling of loneliness for eternity as I watched time tick away. I wanted to scream out and give up, but somehow I found the courage to take action and take the risk.

"Fuck it," I said under my breath, standing up. I wasn't planning on taking Loki with me after what happened last time,but I guess he refused to remain on punishment and he jumped into my arms before I could stop him.

"Okay better stay put this time," I scolded him.

Taking a deep breath, I opened up a breach in space and stepped inside—straight into my apartment.

It was done. I was here on Earth. That was easy, but the nexts steps would be hard.

There was no time like the presence to get started on the spell to get me back into the Void, so that's exactly what I did.

Casting a protective circle around myself and Loki, I started to utter the incantations. The words swirled around me as powerful energies began to form and fuse together. A multitude of colors filled the room in an ever-shifting kaleidoscope of energy, with sparks fizzing like fireflies and smoke rising into the air as my concentration intensified.

Suddenly, I heard a strange sound, like a whoosh of wind. I opened my eyes, and to my shock, nothing happened. This wasn't teleportation. This was a complete spell shutdown.

I glanced up, and the bottom fell out of my stomach when I saw who was standing in front of me.

"Apollyn," I whispered, my voice shaking.

"The one and only!"

Even though it was broad daylight outside, the room fell into immense darkness. A chill ran down my spine, and an oppressive, demonic energy seemed to fill the space. It felt like shadows were consuming me.

Loki hissed, his hair standing on end. He looked like he was seeing a ghost.

I looked from my work area back to Apollyn. "But I did not summon you."

"No, you did not." He moved as if he were coming toward me.

"Stay back," I warned, and Loki scuttled behind me.

"The spell you cast use some shadow magic to which I am drawn." He grinned.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.