Page 61 of Bride of Monsters

"Spells, you mean?"

He nodded.

"Nothing new, just new ways to execute them and make them failsafe." My lips curled into a self-satisfied smirk.

He was so eager to have me learn shadow language and shadow magic. I knew enough to understand why my coven had forbidden it long ago: the power it granted over other people was too unstable and risky. It could be a dangerous tool in the wrong hands.

I tried to keep my expression neutral, but inside I wasn't pleased at all. I knew he was trying to control me and I allowed it. Only because I needed to understand Apollyn better. I would play along for now, but I would never fully trust him.

As we continued the painfully awkward dinner, I couldn't help but think about Magda and the pain she caused me. He had her killed. Apollyn had taken my justice into his own hands, and I still couldn't get over it.

I was stuck in this world with a power-hungry former demon ruler of Shadow World who thought he could bend me to his will. But I wouldn't let that happen. He was just the puppet ruler. And when I got his sons back into Shadow World, he would definitely be reduced to puppet status.

I picked at the broccoli on my plate. "Why do you insist on me learning shadow magic? It was banned in my coven for a reason."

"You are no longer a slave to your coven," he simply said.

"Why do you insist on it, though?" I repeated.

"Your former coven was such a narrow-minded group, especially that Magda. They don't understand the true power of shadow magic. It's time for you to break free from their constraints and see the potential for what it truly is. It was likely banned because they didn't understand it, which is precisely why your late father tried to raise Asmodeus to help him in his new venture."

"What potential are you talking about? Causing chaos and destruction?" I demanded.

"No, for taking control, instead of borrowing it from others. The power to bend others to your will, to protect yourself and those you love."

"What makes you think I want such a corrupt power?" My voice shook with indignation. "Do you really believe I'd sacrifice my morals and beliefs for a chance of control?"

Apollyn shrugged. "It's not a matter of want, it's a matter of need. You may not realize it yet, but you will soon enough. And when that time comes, I'll be here to guide you."

I leaned in. "I don't want your guidance. I don't want anything else from you."

Apollyn's eyes flashed with a fierce light. "Whether you want it or not, you need it. And you'll thank me for it one day. Trust me."

"But why do you choose me?"

Apollyn smirked. "Because, my dear, you are special. Your powers are untapped, raw, and potent. I see the potential in you and I want to help you hone it. You could be the most powerful sorceress to ever walk the shadows. And with my guidance, you will become so much more."

"And what do you want in return?"

Apollyn took a sip of his wine and leaned back in his chair. "Your loyalty, of course. And in return, I will provide you with the knowledge and power you need to succeed. Think of it as aninvestment. The more powerful you become, the more valuable you are to me."

I studied Apollyn's face, searching for clues that might indicate his intentions. He seemed genuine, but I hesitated before answering, "I'm not sure I can trust you, Apollyn."

He chucked. "Oh, I understand. Trust is earned, not given. But I assure you, my dear, you will come to trust me in time. And I, in turn, will come to trust you as well."

"What do you want me to do with the power once I learn it?"

"Just continue to learn and hone your powers. And, of course, never go against me or my wishes. And I think we'll get along just fine."

"That still doesn't tell me why you choose me. I'm not the only witch with vast potential, you know?"

Apollyn sighed. "Well, since you're being so stubborn about it..."

"I go on..."

"A king needs loyal consorts in every corner of his kingdom. And you, are an earthbound witch capable of brandishing shadow magic. I think you would serve my interests well as my ally on earth."

I felt my lips drawing together into a thin line. "How could you assume I would want to be your ally?"