Page 41 of You Saved Me

Finally, the flight back to Atlanta was called to be boarded. I was sitting in coach on the way back, but I hardly cared. I didn’t even enjoy the perks of first class on the other flight because I was so worried. This whole flight, I looked out of the window, willing the pilots to fly faster, to get there sooner.

It took everything in me not to push passengers out of the way so I could disembark as soon as we landed. I booked an Uber and hurried across the airport, dashed out the door, and looked for the car I ordered. Finding it, I dropped into the backseat, feeling on edge and wishing I was driving so I could drive straight to the cabin. But I left my car at Momma and Pop’s house and had to stop there first to get it. I cursed to myself, not liking that there were so many holdups from me getting to Lucas. We left him over six hours ago. There was no telling if he was okay because he wouldn’t pick up his fucking phone. I called repeatedly and sent text messages that went unanswered. I decided to give up trying to reach out. I would get to him soon enough.

After getting to Momma and Pop’s, I pulled out like a bat out of hell. After passing by a few police officers, however, I slowed down. I wanted to get there, but I didn’t want the hassle of being stopped by a cop. Those were problems I didn’t need.

Night had fallen, and the roads started to empty the closer I got to the mountains. I didn’t like driving up the mountain when it was so dark, afraid a deer or other wildlife would dart in front of me and delay me from getting to Lucas, so I slowed down further, which made me grit my teeth and swear repeatedly.

When I found the turnoff, I let out a relieved breath and whispered a word of thanks to whoever was listening, but that was short-lived when I saw the black sedan parked at the end of the driveway. There were no plates on the car, and I knew it wasn’t Lucas’ because he drove an SUV. I was about to continue down the driveway, but my stomach gave a lurch, causing me to wrench my steering wheel violently to the side. My gut was telling me not to make the drive up. To stop and walk. I wasn’t going to convince myself to push my thoughts to the side this time. It had been weeks since I’d had this feeling, but I wasn’t going to ignore it.

When I was about to start walking, I thought better of it and opened the passenger side door, reached in my glove compartment, and grabbed my Glock 43. I checked the clip and chambered a round before walking again, careful to keep my finger off the trigger. I wasn’t any type of law enforcement or military personnel, so I didn’t really know what I was doing. I only knew my gut was telling me to be careful, and I knew how to shoot. I also called the cops, knowing we were so far off the beaten track, and it would take a while for them to get here. I didn’t know if we would need cops, but it was better to call on a false alarm than need help and them get here too late. I told them about the suspicious car and asked that they come as soon as possible as I didn’t know who it belonged to.

When I made it around the bend to see the front of the house, my heart sank. A window next to the door was broken, and the front door was open. I looked around, trying to see if there were things or people lurking in the woods but didn’t see anything or anyone. I was scared and almost turned around, wanting to wait at the bottom of the driveway for the cops, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t leave Lucas in there, possibly in danger.

On shaky legs, I quietly mounted the steps. I stepped inside, avoiding opening the door any wider or stepping on any glass. Glancing around, I only noticed the light on in the kitchen. I hugged the wall, walking discreetly and carefully, not wanting to make any noises and alert anyone that I was here.

On tiptoe, I made it to the entry of the kitchen and heard someone speaking in hushed tones. Then I heard Lucas scream. His scream tore up my spine and wiped out all of my fear, and I stepped around the corner without a second thought and couldn’t believe the scene before my eyes.



The freezing water being spilled over my head had me coming to on a gasp. I tried to stand, but I was unable to move. Shaking my head from side to side, I cleared my eyes and tried to look around. I didn’t see anyone, but I knew I wasn’t alone. On the counter in front of me—across from where Tristan and I shared meals on countless days—I saw an assortment of knives, a hand saw, zip ties, and a billy club. That must have been what I was hit over the head with.

I felt someone behind me and tried to see who it was, but they were just out of my line of vision. This was it. This was the end for me. I refused to go out like a bitch, begging for my life. My family was safe, the love of my life was safe, so I had nothing to lose. No reason to be afraid. “Loosen these zip ties and we can work this out like men.”

He—because it was quite obviously a man—laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder. He was white and had freckles on the back of his hand that looked familiar. “Now where is the fun in that, Lucas?”

My heart froze in my chest. I knew who this was. But how… why? I didn’t understand. I would have never thought it possible, but it was. He was in my cabin, had me tied down, and had his murder kit laid out in front of me. He let go of my shoulder and stood in front of me so I could see his face, even though I knew whose eyes I would be looking into.

Dr. Greyson.

My therapist and lifeline, other than Tristan.

His eyes penetrated me, and a sadistic smile sat on his face. “What? Not who you were expecting?” He taunted. He wasn’t. I didn’t know who I was expecting, but he wasn’t it. I shook my head, trying to clear it. I didn’t question why I missed this because there was no way anybody would believe he was the accomplice to one of the most prolific and deranged serial killers in my lifetime. I did wonder how he’d found me. We had GPS on our government-issued phones, but I had turned mine off so no one could… and then I remembered. I told him I was up at the family cabin.

I closed my eyes, cursing myself for my lapse in judgment. He let out an evil laugh and further taunted me. “Figuring it out now, huh? How I found you? Honestly, you were the easiest to get information from. You took being honest to heart. I love having patients who listen to what I tell them.”

“Fuck you!” I growled, straining to get out of the zip ties around my wrists and ankles.

He shook his head and tutted at me. “Aw, come on, Lucas. We were friends. I was helping you get through your… issues. Helping you avoid the nightmares of my and Kenny’s best works. I can’t think about them enough. The screams, the pain, the blood… I wish I could dream about them every night like you.” He threw his head back and closed his eyes, a smile twitching on his lips. “They were beautiful in their deaths. Pure.” When he opened his eyes, he trained them on the beady orbs on my face. “I wish I could experience it again for the first time. Nothing more glorious than the kill.”

My mind was racing. I needed to think. I needed to figure out how to save myself so I could take this bastard down. After that, I didn’t care what happened to me since my family and my love were safe. I racked my brain to land on a topic. “How did you find the others?” I asked, wanting to keep him talking. I knew he would answer me because he wanted to talk. I’d interrogated enough people like him. He didn’t get credit for the ‘work’ he’d done in the initial crime, so he needed to revel in what he did now.

“It was easy,” he answered. “I was the therapist assigned to you, Mills, and Billings. I knew about the relationship Mills was having with Green. She told me the day before she planned to have him over for dinner at the hotel she booked so they could discuss going public with their relationship. I didn’t plan on putting Green down, but he looked too fucking smug when he was walking Kenny inside that… that…place.” He spat in disgust. “So he had to go too. Billings told me she lived alone, so it was a matter of finding her address and lying in wait until she got home. I shouldn’t have left the lights in every room on, but I wanted to spook her. Her nosey-ass neighbors are the only reason she’s not on a slab with Green and Mills. But I’m not making that mistake with you. Your neighbors aren’t close enough to see, but you can never be too careful. One light for you, Lucas. When they find your body, it’ll be spotlit, on full display. My gift to you.”

My plan was to keep him talking. About anything. “How did you and Bush even know each other? He was a fucking lame-ass lowlife who lived in his mother’s basement and couldn’t get pussy to save his life.”

No sooner than the last word was out of my mouth did I feel a blinding pain in my cheek, ringing my bell and making me see spots. He punched me. Clocked the shit out of me. I shook it off and peeked up at him.

“Don’t talk about him like that. He is a genius who went after what he wanted. Those bitches didn’t deserve to breathe after how they treated him.” He took a deep breath and got control of his temper, then leaned back against the counter and crossed his ankles. “Kenny’s mom brought him in when he was fifteen. He had evil intentions even then. I was a new therapist and had evil intentions of my own. I felt like we were kindred spirits, our hatred of women not fleshed out but there. When he was turned down by thatbitch, I knew what we had to do. We had to make them pay. But we had to plan. Had to wait until the perfect time. And then, three years ago, we saw her. Perfect likeness to the girl who hurt him. She had to go.”

“Kathy,” I spoke her name quietly.

“Yes, Kathy. She was our first. I enjoyed her the most. I didn’t cut her, but I loved watching Kenny get his revenge. He deserved to. She hurt him, and she had to pay.”

“She wasn’t Jenny. She was an innocent girl.”

“None of them were innocent!” His face was beet red, and spit flew from his mouth. “All of them got what they deserved, and we made art. We’re famous!”