Page 33 of You Saved Me

He stopped the slow bobs of his head and looked at me. Taking me out of his mouth but not removing his fingers, he asked, “Are you sure?” I nodded. I couldn’t speak. The way he was fucking me with his fingers, I couldn’t think in complete sentences. Studying my face, he added a third finger, making me curse and fist the blanket. This was heaven. This had to be what heaven felt like. Nothing could feel as good as this. I ground my hips down on his hand, and he chuckled. “Greedy man,” he said, grabbing my hard member and stroking it. It felt too good. Too much sensation, too much friction, and too much pleasure. If he swiped my prostate one more time, I would explode. I grabbed his hand that was around my dick and clamped down on the fingers in my ass.

“Holy fuck.” He breathed out and dropped his head forward. When he looked at me, his eyes were smoldering. “You’re gonna make me come without touching myself. I’m itching to get inside you.”

“Give me a second,” I murmured. “I almost came.”

He chuckled, knowing what he was doing to me. “I’ll take them out and give you a break.”

He removed his fingers from me and coated his dick with lube. I watched, ready to feel all of him in me. He moved back between my legs and kissed me. It was gentle, foreshadowing how he would treat my body. “You ready?” I nodded, tongue too thick to answer with words. “When I push in, try to relax as much as possible. Once I get to a certain point, it won’t be so bad. But if you can’t take it, let me know. We won’t do anything that hurts, okay?” I nodded again, touched by his concern.

Tristan gave me one last kiss, then rose on one hand, the other guiding his cock to my opening. He looked at me, and I nodded again, letting him know I was ready. I wasn’t tense. I was coiled with anticipation. He pushed into me, setting off fire in my veins. The burn was more intense and seemed never-ending, but I relaxed like he told me to. The sting was tapering off, leaving behind a different feeling I couldn’t pinpoint yet. He stopped and looked at me, checking in. I nodded, ready for the burn to disappear. He pushed in more and while the burn was still there, there was something else. A sense of fullness. After our last pause-and-nod routine, Tristan was fully inside me. He stopped to give my body time to adjust, and I needed it. The sensation was foreign but not unwelcome. The burn added to the pleasure I was feeling, feeding me a dose of pleasurable pain I had always heard about.

“Can I move?” Tris asked me through gritted teeth.

“Please,” I rasped. It was barely audible, but he heard. He pulled out, and I felt a dragging sensation that made my toes curl. When he went back in, his pelvis hitting the back of my thighs, the pleasure was off the charts. “Oh God,” I groaned. Nothing prepared me for this feeling. I was hooked. The fullness, the pleasure on the up-and-down stroke, and the closeness I felt to him—nothing in the world was like it.

He held my legs back and fucked me slowly and deeply, the same as I did to him. I now had a better understanding of his begging when I was fucking him the same way. While I wanted it to last forever, I was climbing high and fast, and all I wanted to do was pitch off the edge, feeling the pulse of my release through my body.

“Touch yourself,” he gasped out. “Let me see you.” I cupped my dick, already lubricated from the obscene amount of precum I was leaking. “Yeah. Fuck yeah. Just like that.”

I stroked up and down, building on the pleasure I was getting from Tristan. As I sped up my hand movement, he sped up the movement of his hips until he was pounding into me, and my hand was moving in uncoordinated drags. I couldn’t stop it even if I tried. My orgasm was a freight train barreling through me at top speed. I shouted my orgasm with a curse, shooting over my abs and hand. Tristan was right behind me, slamming into me clumsily before he stilled, and I felt his dick twitch inside me. I clamped down on him, trying to milk him dry, while he grabbed my thigh and rasped out a curse. I felt his body trembling and released the hold I had on his cock.

“Fuck,” he said, dragging his dick out of me. “I can’t trust you not to do that again.” I laughed because he was probably right. The reaction I’d just gotten from him was sexy as fuck. I wanted to see what he looked like when I did it again and again.

“How was that?” he asked me. He had the foresight to bring out a damp cloth, which I was thankful for. I didn’t think I was able to move.

“It was perfect. Thank you.” It was weird to thank someone for sex, but it wasn’t the sex I was thanking him for. It was the care, the trust, the concern. From start to finish, he made sure I was okay and comfortable. “I’m going to be sore for the rest of the day from the way you were pounding into me at the end,” I joked.

He looked at me, an expression of concern on his face. He really was worried he hurt me. “Tris, you didn’t hurt me. It felt good. If you couldn’t tell by how hard I came, it felt amazing. I wanted it exactly how you gave it to me. Now fix your face. You’re going to fuck up my postcoital bliss.”

His throaty chuckle made me feel better. At least he knew I wasn’t in pain. I mean, my ass hurt like… well, like there had been a dick in it but not unpleasantly so. Deliciously sore is the term I would use. I was about to say something about it, but my phone rang. Not my personal cell but my cell issued by the Bureau. I always carried it around with me in case of an emergency at work. I was told I wouldn’t be contacted, but I kept it with me just in case.

I scrambled clumsily off the deck floor and reached for it on the table by my lounge chair. “Agent Blackwell,” I said into the receiver.

“Blackwell, this is Billings. Are you busy?”

I looked back at Tristan. He was giving me a questioning look. I gave him a shrug and reached to pull on my shorts. “No, what’s up?”

“Are you sitting down?”

That didn’t sound good. My stomach dropped, and I sat down in the lounge chair. “I am now. What’s going on?”

She sighed deeply into the phone. “We just got word that SSA Green and Agent Mills are dead. Last night, they were murdered. Turns out Bush had an accomplice. He left a note stabbed through Green’s chest with an eight-inch blade. He wants revenge, Blackwell. And we’re next.”



After hanging up with Billings, I was numb. Apparently, Green and Mills had a secret relationship, and whoever this accomplice was had caught them together while they were having dinner in their hotel room. I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. I sat on the lounge chair, tapping my phone against my lips. How did we not know there was an accomplice? Billings said the note stabbed through Green promised that everyone involved with putting Bush away would die a slow and painful death. They had included all manner of torture and how we would all die screaming.

Now, there were analysts reviewing all the footage to check for height differences, different mannerisms, and torture/kill techniques. Things that I couldn’t face doing. The Interim Director appointed Billings as our temporary supervisor, as she had seniority. She told me to continue my vacation and that she might extend it, depending on what they found. She thought I would have a target on my back, more than the others on my team because I beat Bush within an inch of his life. Whoever the accomplice was would want to take that out on me. I walked inside, using the excuse I had to use the bathroom. I really needed a moment alone to think.

I couldn’t believe it. Just when I thought I was safe and leaving the FBI. Just when I thought I could have a different life, the worst case of my life wasn’t over. I couldn’t leave yet. I couldn’t leave my team to handle this person on their own. I had to go back. As soon as Billings allowed me off this vacation, I had to return to South Carolina to work with my team. I didn’t think I could keep it off my mind until then. I wanted to go now and damn the consequences, but I knew I would only put myself and my team in danger. It was also instilled in me to follow direct orders from the Army to Quantico. She told me to stay put, so I would. For now.

No one besides my family knew where I was. Billings offered to put agents from the Georgia field office on my family, but I told her I would take care of it. I had to tell them, though. I had to get them out of town. My family had the money and means to leave the country until things were safe. They deserved the truth. And they deserved it in person. It would be hard to tell them, but they needed to be aware of the danger. I had to make sure they left tonight. No one knew I was related to the rich and famous Blackwells of Georgia, so it wasn’t likely that they would be targeted. I never told anyone who my parents were so they wouldn’t see me as a spoiled rich kid or someone doing my job because I was bored and needed adventure. I wouldn’t take any chances with them or Tristan. I didn’t know how I would pull that one off, but I would. No one knew he was here with me besides my family, but I wasn’t going to take any chances with the man I was in love with.

That took my breath away. I’d just gotten him, and I didn’t want to lose him because some psycho was upset that his murder daddy was in prison. Even if he didn’t want more from me and never loved me back, I needed to keep him safe.

He sat in the same spot I left him in, but he had put his pants back on. I flopped back in the chair, looking down at my hands. I hated that my news would break this spell. I was terrified about our bubble being disrupted. We were in our own little world, learning about each other, being closer than I’ve been with anyone in my life, him helping me learn about myself, and watching him heal. It was all an adventure I didn’t want to end, but the real world was calling. And it wanted blood. My blood. My team’s blood. Maybe even more women’s blood.