Page 9 of I Want You

“What is she doing here?” I heard myself ask. Sophie turned, as did the rest of the table, to look at the woman. She was greeted by Mara, warmly, and her smile was broad. I felt angry that she was happy, standing there, like she was supposed to be here.

“Gen?” Sophie said. “She’s a make-up artist and has her own makeup line. She’s also very good friends with Mara.”

“I have to go,” I said, getting up. Sophie put her hand on my arm and eased me back down to my seat.

“What’s wrong? How do you know her?” Sophie asked.

“She’s obviously burned her,” Eva said. “Like she’s burned half the women in this business.”

Sophie blocked Eva from my sight and tried to calm me down. “Don’t let her get to you. You have every reason to be here, just like she does. She’s not worth your anger.”

“She broke up my marriage,” I said, finally. “She was the one I caught sleeping with my husband and she acted like she didn’t even care, even though she knew.”

“Bitch,” Esme said, loud enough for all of us to hear. “I can’t stand her. She destroyed another woman here, a few years ago, and now she doesn’t attend and yet Gen does.”

“So she is consistent,” I said. “Well, I don’t want to be around her.”

“This is a big conference,” Eva said. “You probably won’t even come close to her during the entire weekend. Sophie’s right, don’t let her ruin your shot at networking.”

I didn’t expect Eva to be so nice, it’s not how I assumed she would be but I guess she could relate to me, even if she didn’t want to admit it.

They were right.

She’d destroyed far too much of my life already. She wasn’t going to destroy my dreams.

Genevieve Swinson could go to hell, and I was sure going to put her in her place if she came near me this weekend.


Mara was resplendent as usual in a white flowy dress and white shoes as she talked amongst a group of women I knew hated me. I grabbed a plate and headed to the buffet to stack it up to fuel me until lunch. These talks could go on and on and the last thing you wanted or needed was a grumbling stomach. As I piled the last of the bacon on my plate, I looked around for a table to sit at.

Everyone was too involved with their own groups that I knew I’d be sitting alone. I was never the friend type of girl at these events, and everyone knew it. Mara sidled up to me, startling me for a moment.

“Come and sit with me,” she said. “I’m desperate for a little peace and no questions for at least ten minutes.”

“Happy to oblige,” I said, thankful she had most probably lied to make me feel better. We moved past table after table, silence descending on their table as I passed. My reputation had well and truly surpassed me.

“Since when did a couple little rumors deter your fighting spirit?” Mara asked me. She’d obviously noticed my discomfort.

“I’m getting noticeably less fighty and more flighty in my old age.”

Mara rolled her eyes instantly. “Old age, my aunt fanny.”

I began to tuck in to my breakfast as Mara started to talk about the first workshop. It was going to be interesting considering I was well and truly hated by the speaker.

“I might skip that one.”

“If you skipped every workshop that had someone who didn’t like you in it, you’d be sipping margaritas by the pool all weekend. Boss babe up and take a plunge.”

“We’re not bungee jumping here, Mar.”

“Maybe you need to do a little bungee jump to move past the negativity. I know you made mistakes in your life but at the time you didn’t think they were mistakes. You don’t have to pay for your choices the rest of your life, do you?”

I knew she was right but I was still anxious about going to this workshop.

“What about Rose?” Mara asked. “I know you two hit it off at the last conference. She could probably boost your mood somewhat and act as your armor?”

“Actually, that’s a good point,” I said. “Where is she?”