Page 6 of I Want You


I threw my summer dress on and grabbed my new sandals before I took off toward the beach. My flight had been delayed, of course, so I’d been super late and even missed the boat. Mara’s husband, the good man he was, had come out on his private boat to jet me across to the island since the ferries had stopped for the day. I hadn’t even had a chance to see Mara or take a look at my bungalow. They had been a new edition to the island since last time and I’d been dying to try it out, no matter how much they cost.

Mara was standing with a few of the women I’d noticed from the last conference, most of them I’d not gotten along with, but that’s what came from being an alpha female or so Mara called me. I grabbed a cocktail from a very saucy female in a grass skirt and barely there bikini top and moved into the party. Mara finally noticed me just as my feet hit the sand of the beach and I kicked off my sandals.

“Well look at you,” she said. “Late as usual.”

“This day has been hell on a hot plate,” I told her. “Don’t press me, woman.”

Mara gave me one of her chesty chuckles and sat down next to me on a bench. “Well at least you haven’t lost your sweet disposition.”

I shot her a raised eyebrow and tossed back half of the cocktail. Last conference, the cocktails had been weak as shit, but now I could feel my head buzzing instantly. I looked down at it and wondered what the hell concoction I’d just drunk.

“A lot of complaints last time about how weak the drinks were,” Mara said, without me asking. “Take sips next time. I have to mingle. I hope you do too.”

“You know I hate these things,” I told her as she got up, shaking her head.

Truth was, I didn’t hate them as much as I said I did but I also didn’t make friends easily which was partly why I loved room service and cable. I’d read the bungalows had their own spa on the back balcony and out the front, we had a gate that led down to a lagoon that would lead into the pool and down to the beach. Too damn bad I’d gotten in so late, I couldn’t enjoy it.

But there was always tomorrow.

“Genevieve Swinson.”

I cringed at my full name before I looked up to see someone I remembered from the last conference. A smile spread across my face as I saw who it was.

“You know not to call me that, bitch,” I said as I jumped up and hugged her. Rose and I been constant companions at the last conference but had forgotten to swap details to keep in touch. “I was hoping you would be here.”

“I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get away from my husband again.”

I laughed with her as we sat back down. “So, what’s been new?”

“Not a hell of a lot,” she said. “Husband is still boinking every woman on the staff at home, fathering offspring left, right and center while I carry on with my assistant.”

Rose had shocked me when she told me she had been a closeted lesbian in a loveless marriage to keep her parents happy. It had shocked me because I didn’t think that still happened. I’d convinced myself that I wanted to marry Scott, but ever since he had dumped me after his divorce, I had steered clear of romantic flings.“What about you?” she asked.

“Nothing, had a few dates here and there but I think my reputation has put a stop on me finding my forever.”

Rose shrugged. “Move to another state. Sydney isn’t the only state that has shops you can hire out. I don’t understand why you don’t do the tiktok thing. It helps so many businesses.”

“I hate social media.”

“I know, but you have your own business. Social media is the only way people are going to find out about you.”

Sighing, I knew what she was saying was true. Louella passed us, a smug look on her face as she tried like hell not to react to me. I’d never liked the bitch but for Mara I played nice. We’d once been friends until a fateful decision to have a threesome with her husband who preferred my body that night and spent a little too much time on me caused a break in their perfect union. We’d not even noticed her disappear from the room until we’d finished and that was when all hell broke loose. That was five years ago. If only I had learned my lesson from that I wouldn’t be so plagued with the visions of seeing Matilda so broken when she learned about Scott the hard way. I was definitely not the first, and now, knowing he was expecting a baby with the woman who came after me, I knew she wouldn’t be the last.

He was a playboy. A boy that just wanted everything and anything. Still, his rejection of me after his wife divorced his sorry ass had stung.

“There’s a panel on social media content,” Rose began. “I hope you’ll be there or I will call Mara to come and get you. You need to be seen.”

I rolled my eyes, thankful for the break in where my brain was headed. I did not need Matilda Walker on my mind at this conference.

“Fine, I’ll attend the damn panel. Happy?”

“Not yet, but I’m getting there.”

Rose laughed as she headed over to the table with the food. I caught the eye of one hunk in the corner who was more than a little interested in me but I couldn’t find the energy to go over and flirt.

Man, I really was changed, wasn’t I? There had been a time I couldn’t resist a little tumble but lately, I’d been on a dry spell.