Page 49 of I Want You

“You’re such an old man.”

“You got that right, kiddo,” he chuckled. “I am having a charity ball in a few days. Why don’t you invite her?”

“I don’t think she’ll come and that will just be the worst.”

“And what if she does?”

Now that would be the best thing in the world. That would lift me up, and take all of my insecurities away. That would be her way of telling me that she forgave me.

“I think she’ll surprise you,” he said. “I’ll send the invitation tomorrow morning.”

I reached across and hugged him tightly. “Thank you. Thank you for always being there for me even when I was a giant pain in the ass.”

“Well you still are, but I don’t mind it so much in my old age.”

I felt the tears burn my eyes as I chuckled and let him go. “Seriously, you are the best father any girl can have.”

He stood up as I did and wiped the tears from my cheeks. “The day you started to call me Dad rather than Patrick was the greatest gift.”

I hugged him again, feeling him hug me back. Somehow his hugs seemed to melt away all the pain of reality.


The new packaging for my island escape promotion arrived and it was fucking beautiful. Veruca had put me in touch with someone who could do wonders for small businesses. The best thing about it was she did it for free if I gave her some product.

Sounded perfect to me.

These labels were either going to make or break my company. I’d been in a super slump since well before the conference but this new promotion had already cost a pretty penny.

I needed it to work.

I looked down at the rest of my mail that had been in my locked box and saw a fancy envelope with my full name on the front.

Curious, I quickly opened it to find an invitation to a charity ball hosted by Patrick Swinson. My heart fluttered excitedly and my stomach dropped about two inches. He was inviting me to a charity ball?

I’d been ignoring Gen’s messages, knowing full well that if I started talking to her then I would easily give in and go over to her apartment for mind blowing sex. A jealousy spat would only erupt yet again and I’d be crying to sleep for the next few nights. I didn’t want that kind of life.

I’d escaped from a sleazy, manipulative man, I didn’t want to have to justify who I was to someone else.

No matter how much I loved her because, yes, I fucking loved her.

The second I saw the invite, my heart beat just a little faster at the thought of seeing her again.

Did I do it? Did I go to this fancy event to see her again?

My heart was torn.

My stomach was torn.

My brain was telling me to run, but I’d always listened to my head. I needed to listen to my heart.

I looked down at the RSVP details and quickly I texted the Yes to the number before I could chicken out.

Running down the hall to my wardrobe, I desperately looked for a dress to wear. I didn’t have anything as nice as a ballgown but I had a few dresses that could pass the test.

Everytime I ran my hand over a gown, I knew it wasn’t going to do the job. I needed something to stand out, I needed a dress to make heads turn as I claimed my woman.

Because that’s who she was.