Page 34 of I Want You

I opened the door to my apartment and led her inside. My heart was still racing a mile a minute as she looked around. My pussy, still throbbing from the excitement just moments ago. I doubted I would ever live down what happened with the security team, they were probably making copies right now to upload to porn sites but ultimately, I didn’t care.

Right now, I just wanted her naked and on my bed for the rest of the night.


“Yeah, it’s alright.”

“Alright?” she gasped, turning to face me. “This place is amazing. I love the Marilyn Monroe artwork.”

I looked over at the wall with my large Marilyn poster and subsequent little posters of her through her career around her.

“She’s the epitome of woman,” I said. “I’ve always loved her.”

“Is that why you die your hair blonde?” she asked me.

“I guess so,” I chuckled. “Although, I’d never go bleach blonde. I’m far too lazy for that upkeep.”

She continued to look around. I liked how it felt to have her here. Hopefully she could feel comfortable staying here more and more.

“What’s down there?”

I looked to where she was pointing. “Oh that’s my office and my design room. You want to see?”


I led her down the hall to where I made the cosmetic decisions for my business and where I designed all of my labels.

“Wow,” she gasped. “This is incredible. You do everything yourself?”

“I try to,” I told her. “There are some things I’m not great with, like spending money on stupid things, but I love the design process. I love creating. I hate, however, the selling part.”

She chuckled. “I’m the same. I’m rubbish at it.”

“I bet you’re better than you say, but I hear you.”

She smiled at me, a sweet smile that showed me she was appreciative of having someone to talk to about this.

“What’s this?”

I looked at what she had picked up and saw it was the new primer I had developed.

“Ah, that’s primer.”

“Like before foundation, primer? It looks more like moisturizer.”

“It is,” I told her. “You don’t use it?”

“I have this one that looks like a gel but it’s clear.”

“No, you need to use this stuff. It moisturizes your skin as well as making the skin smooth to apply the makeup. Here, try some.”

She squirted a bit out on her hand and began to rub it into her cheek.

“What’s the smell? That is divine.”

“It’s rosewater,” I told her. “I’m obsessed with it.”

“It feels great, that thing just sold itself.”