Page 26 of I Want You

Mara was directing everyone to their tables when I stepped closer.

“Mattie,” she said, delighted. “You look incredible.”

“Thank you.”

Did I tell her I felt like a hobo next to her obvious radiant glory?

“You’re on table six.”

I followed her to a table to the side and away from others. Sophie and the E’s were already seated on the other side of the room. I wondered why I was so far away. That’s when I saw the “Cosmetics” sign in the middle of the table.

Oh god. I would be with strangers. I was with others who did the same thing as me. Competition would be rife.

The name on the nameplate next to mine had my stomach flutter and my heart beat a little faster.

Genevieve Swinson.

Had she done this? At least I would know someone.

I took a seat and nodded politely at the woman opposite me on the other side of the table. She gave me a fake smile and looked back down at her phone.

She obviously knew we did the same thing and didn’t want to know anything about me. Just great.

“Fancy meeting you here,” I heard her voice as she sat down. She was wearing a purple mini dress, those legs looking like satin, and the shoes that could kill a small army of smurfs.

“You do cosmetics too?”

“Sure do,” she said. “I have my own makeup line.”

The woman on the other side scoffed. “Who doesn’t?”

Gen smirked at her which only pissed the woman off more before she turned to me. “That’s Heather. She creates makeup for the incredibly wealthy and only comes in one shade.”

“One shade?”

“Oh please,” Heather said before she got up and walked away.

“She’s incredibly racist,” Gen said. “I like to rile her up with jokes about race. Nothing like a good old bitchfest.”

“I’ve never even heard of her,” I said. “She can’t be that good.”

Gen smiled at me and ushered the waiter over. She looked down at my leg which was showing a little.

“Hmmm, I could make good on that split a little later.”

I pulled the material up to cover my leg. “Stop it.”

“Now, now, don’t make me pull you into another closet.”

“Nice,” I replied. “It took me a good five minutes to leave after you, by the way.”

Our table was quickly filled as Mara took to the front of the dining room. Everyone turned to the front just as Gen put her hand on my thigh. I hid my surprised gasp but only because Mara started to speak into a microphone. I shot Gen a ‘don’t you dare’ look but she wasn’t looking. From the angle we were sitting, no one would be able to see what she was doing but it was dangerous all the same. I pushed her hand away and crossed a leg over the other to stop her. The action made the split open more and more of my leg could be seen. She didn’t wait for an invitation before she started to move her fingertips up and down my thigh. My breath was catching in my throat at the soft intrusion.

I couldn’t focus on what Mara was saying, Gen’s fingers were causing all sorts of reactions higher up my legs.

“Have fun, everyone.”

That was the final thing Mara said and Gen stopped rubbing at that moment.