Page 19 of I Want You

“Hey, dad, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, cupcake. How’s your girl’s trip?”

“It’s a conference. You know that.”

“An island full of women…come on, I know it’s a girl’s trip.”

“Why’d you call?”

“I’m just checking on you,” he said, warmly. “It’s hard not to see you every weekend.”

The last few months, he’d been poorly. I knew something was up but he refused to worry me with whatever it was. My mind immediately went to something serious, like always, but I would wait until he found time to tell me what was really up.

“Are you okay?”

“Genevieve, I am okay. Now go and have fun with your friends.”

I rolled my eyes at being called by my full name and told him I loved him before I turned back to join the line.

Only there wasn’t one.

I hit the button and found an empty elevator waiting for me.


I hit the button for the rooftop and as the doors closed, the disconcerting sound of a deep lurch emanated around me. My stomach knotted but as the elevator lifted, I knew I was overreacting. The elevator stopped at the second level and the doors opened to one woman - Matilda.

Anger spread throughout me as her face turned angry.

“I’ll wait for the next one,” she said through grit teeth.

“Grow the fuck up,” I shot at her. “Get in or you’ll be late.”

With defiance, she lifted her head up and stepped inside. The doors closed and she stood as far away from me as possible. I shook my head as she seethed next to me.

“It’s not exactly a treat to be in here with you either, princess,” I shot at her. She turned to me, ready for a fight, when the elevator stopped.

A ringing sound alerted us to the fact the elevator had stopped, mid floor. My fear overtook my anger and I looked at the little LED screen at the top. It read “Stopped”.

No fucking shit.

I hit the little red button for help but no one responded.

“What the fuck did you do?” she yelled. “Stop pressing buttons.”

“It’s the fucking button for help, you dimwit.”

“It’s not helping,” she panicked and pushed me away from the wall. I fell back into the other wall, and my fear was once again replaced by anger. She tried to press the red button but no response came.

“See,” I said, angrily. “Now calm the fuck down. It’s a small hotel, they’ll find us eventually.”

She turned on me, those eyes fiery and dark. “I do not want to be stuck in a lift with you.”

“The feeling is incredibly mutual.”

Her eyes never left mine. “You’re the reason I had a meltdown.”

“And you’re the reason I had mine.”