Page 17 of I Want You

It made me angry that I had come to her defense but I would never allow any woman, no matter the anger I held inside, be assaulted. She looked fine, not traumatized or anything. I was happy that I had told Mara but I wished I hadn’t been the one to come by and save her.

I wished like hell Genevieve wasn’t on this island.

“I’m going to lay down for an hour,” I told Sophie.

“You’re not hungry?” she asked me.

“No, I’ve got a bit of a headache.” I lied. “I’ll see you at the talk this afternoon.”

She nodded, concern etched on her face but she didn’t try to stop me. I headed back into the hotel, escaping from everyone standing around in the dining room and heading to the elevator bay. I pushed the button but I could see from the light up box above me it was still on the highest floor.


Her voice had me stiffening. I could ignore her. I could just wait for the elevator and not speak or acknowledge her.

But I wasn’t raised that way.

Slowly, I turned around and looked upon her. “I just wanted to-”

“Stop,” I held up my hand. “I didn’t offer an olive branch to you, Genevieve. You’re still the woman I hate, the woman who willingly and knowingly slept with my husband god only knows how many times before I caught you, and when I did catch you, you didn’t give a flying fuck that I was broken. You caused my painful divorce, and I almost gave up on life.”

She had the good grace to look remorseful at my outburst.

“Yeah, I knew, and you’re right I didn’t care. I never cared because most of the wives didn’t give a shit about their husbands. Those in certain social circles don’t care about their husbands being cheaters. I thought you would be the same, but the day you caught us, I saw the look in your eyes and I changed. I know you won’t believe me, but I did.”

I felt so much anger at the way she was trying to explain her actions to me, but part of me knew she was right…about the wives who only married for money. They didn’t care where their husbands put their dick as long as they could have their life they loved. The elevator dinged and opened behind me. I let the people off and quickly got in, selecting my floor.

“Just stay away from me.”

The doors closed as she turned to leave. I felt my chest constrict and my stomach churn as the elevator whooshed to my floor.

God, why was it fast now and not when I desperately needed it to be before?

The doors opened just as I thought I was going to run out of air and I stumbled into the hallway. My room was the closest to the elevator so I grabbed my keycard out and slid it into the lock. I felt the hot tears run down my face as I laid down on my bed and cried into my pillow.

I’d gotten all that anger out, the long seeded hatred that I had held onto for so long, and I sobbed because I hated yelling at people.

Even if they did deserve it.


Matilda’s words echoed in my head as I rejoined Mara in the hall. She was throwing food down her throat so quickly I expected she was having issues with morning sickness. Rose had finally appeared by the window, a cigarette in her mouth, unlit, as she fumbled around in her bag. I made my way over to her.

“I heard you had a migraine.”

“Yeah, something like that.”

“Well, let’s get some air so you can smoke that cancer stick.”

Rose rolled her eyes playfully and we headed out onto the balcony. I saw Sophie in the room with the E’s. I knew they had gotten close while on the island, maybe I could tell her about our past and hopefully she would go up and help her.

I only wanted to thank her for helping me last night, I didn’t want to cause any emotional distress.

“What are you thinking about so hard?”

I turned to look at Rose who was assessing me for answers. Her normal carefree demeanor was long gone and in its place was someone who was clearly stressed. “What happened to you earlier?”

“I was sick.”