Page 14 of I Want You

“Fuck that,” she said, looping her arm through mine and leading me back inside. “You’re not going to let someone get to you, you hear? Tonight, we’re partying like it’s 99 again and I know you know what I’m talking about.”

I giggled, as she led me down on the dancefloor and we danced close to each other, grinding sexily, which did not help how I was feeling with Matilda so close to us. I didn’t dare look up, but I could feel her unwavering stare directly on me.

Soon enough, thoughts of Matilda disappeared and I got lost in the music and the fun times with Rose to even care that she was here on the island. So, it will come to blows at some point, let her have her punches. They would heal, but if she still hated me this much, my wounds were going to heal, but I doubted hers would heal after.


Rose held me up as the cold night air made the alcohol I’d been consuming bubble to the surface. Oh god, why did I go for the tequila shots?

I stumbled forward and looked over to see how far I had to walk to get to the bungalows.

“Need a hand?” we both turned to see one of the wait staff was in a buggy.

“Thank god,” Rose said, heaving me toward the passenger seat. “I’m on the other side, and it would take me forever to get home.”

I waved to Rose as the guy drove me toward the bungalows.

“Which number?”


“Big night?” he asked, with a smirk.


“Must be nice to have a bar tab you don’t have to pay for.”

“Sometimes limits are good,” I told him, feeling the urge to throw up starting to settle down.

“I bet.”

He smiled at me but something about it had me on edge. I didn’t know if it was just the alcohol and the bad thoughts about men that had caused it but I was starting to worry, the feeling of wanting to throw up rising again.

We were close to the bungalows but I had noticed we were alone. Rose had probably gone back to the club for the last round before she hiked her way back to her hotel. He pulled over and instantly I knew I needed to move. His hand moved onto my bare thigh, I could feel the sweaty heat over my skin and my stomach jolted. I got out of the buggy pretending I was going to be sick as I tried to get to my bungalow. It wasn’t too far, I could easily walk it but there was a large bush in my way. I could hear him calling out to me with wolf whistles and light chuckles as he followed me.

Fear hit me, and I was fueled by adrenaline. I could feel my legs becoming steadier as I tried to get back to my bungalow. I pulled my keys out from my bra but in the hurry I dropped them. Shit.

He was gaining on me now as I bent down to grab them. Once I got them in my hands, I felt his hands on my body, rubbing me up and down the back.

“Come on, I’ll make you feel real nice,” he said in a husky tone.

“Get off,” I yelled at him, trying to push him away but he was stronger than I imagined at first. He held me close, tight so that I could pull away as he tried to kiss me. I spat in his face and he backed up slightly, his smile turning to annoyance. A darkness replaced his smirk and I knew I was in trouble.

“Go on, call out, slut,” he said, angrily. “They’re all enjoying themselves. No one will come and save you.”

I couldn’t think, the tequila churning violently in my stomach as I tried to pull away.

“That’s what you think,” I heard someone say from behind us. He stopped trying to grope me and I stopped squirming as I saw someone’s fist coming at the guy’s face. I ducked just as it connected with his cheekbone. He grunted, letting me go immediately and falling to the ground. He whimpered as blood spattered his face where the punch had landed. “Now get.”

He scrambled to get away, uttering some expletives I’d rather not have heard. I turned to see the one woman I never thought would come to my defense standing there.


“Don’t get me wrong,” she said to me. “I still hate your guts, but no one deserves that.”

I nodded, realizing that she had just saved me from being raped. “Thank you anyway.”

She quickly nodded and walked off, my savior in a short mini dress that hugged every curve known to woman. Dear God.