Page 46 of I Want You

I spun around. “If you like that, you should see my bite.”

Veruca smiled at that. “Ah, I do love a good quip. May I join you?”

“Be my guest.”

I turned back around as she took the seat Esme had just been on. “The E’s are a little bit like shih tzu’s, you think they’re all cute and cuddly until they turn on you with their little yap.”

“What does that make you?”

“Oh I’m a bonafide bulldog,” she said, motioning for the bartender to give her another drink. “And what, pray tell, are you, Ms Swinson?”

“Please, it’s Gen, and I don’t tend to think of myself as a bitch.”

Again, she laughed. “Oh I do see what she likes about you now. You understand why I was so hesitant at first.”

I nodded. “I do.”

“You’re in here alone which must mean something happened. If I know my friend, she got a little upset over something she doesn’t understand.”

“You can say that but she’s not completely at fault here.”

“What happened? I might be able to help.”

It couldn’t hurt, could it?

“I got jealous.”

“About another woman?”

“No, about her talking to Scott.”

“On text?”

“No, he saw her in the street and they had a conversation. She was thrilled about it when she got home. She got him back or so she says, I don’t know what she meant by it.”

“She probably rubbed your relationship in his face.”

“Yeah she did but how is that getting him back? He’d probably be turned on by it.”

Veruca smirked at me, and it thoroughly annoyed the hell out of me. “What is one thing women are better at in bed than men?”

“I don’t know…everything?”

“Exactly,” Veruca said. “She probably rubbed it in his face, plus add on the fact that she’s now with you, a former lover of his as well. Let that sink in.”


“Precisely. Don’t worry about your little tiff, Gen. Mattie has a way of realizing she’s in the wrong…eventually.”

“So you don’t hate me?” I asked her as she slid off her stool and took her drink from the bar.

“No, dear. I don’t even know you. I was only looking out for my friend.”

“How are you friends with those two then?”

“In fact I’m friends with a lot of the women who act like imbeciles, but they have their qualities. I just have to have the goss.”

She winked at me as she headed over to the table again and left me alone with my drink. I downed it quickly and paid the man before I headed out of the bar and toward my apartment again.