Page 28 of I Want You

“Since when did you call me Genevieve?”

I finished piling the fruit in my bowl and was about to sit down when she put her hand on my arm. “There’s something you need to know.”

“What is it?” I asked, putting the bowl down on the side of the buffet. “This looks serious.”

“Last night,” Mara began. “Someone saw you coming out of the women’s bathroom. She claims that she overheard you and someone else in the disabled cubicle…doing something.”

My heart sank. I hadn’t heard anyone come in, or even heard a toilet flush. “What do they think I was doing?”

“She knows what she heard,” Mara said. “Look, I don’t care about your desires or what you do behind closed doors but it was during an event, and in a public place. She has alerted me but she did also say she alerted the hotel staff.”

“Why the hell would she do that?” I queried, realizing my voice was getting louder.

“Because a pair of underwear was left behind and it’s unsanitary, Genevieve. She claims to know who the other person was, but isn’t saying anything. Lucky for you. So maybe just keep to yourself the rest of this trip and hopefully it will blow over.”

“Did she tell you anything else?” I asked.

Mara shook her head. I could see by her reaction that it was someone I really ought to be careful of.


Mara nodded.

I looked around the breakfast hall but I couldn’t see Mattie anywhere. Sophie and the E’s were all sitting around a table, and then Eva looked up at me. Smug as shit.


“I have to go.”


“Just give me a minute to think.”

I moved out of the breakfast hall, my heart pounding as I tried to think of what to do. I knew following her into that damn bathroom was stupid. I knew I should have waited until after the dinner but no, I had to have my goddess.


Double fucking fuck.

“Nice morning.”

I turned around at Eva’s voice. She’d followed me out here, and that smugness had gotten worse. No one else was around, I could just throw her into the bushes and be on my way but I knew better than to let her get to me.

She didn’t deserve it.

“Well it was nice. What gives you the right to tattle?”

“You have a reputation, I didn’t think it was as nasty as that, though.”

“Eva, you used to be nice. I don’t understand why you would damage my reputation like this or even hers.”

“I didn’t say a word about hers,” Eva siad. “She doesn’t need your bullshit, especially not after what you did to her marriage. It’s people like you that give love a bad name.”

“What? You jealous?” I spat back at her. “You can’t get even with the woman your husband is fucking so you try and fuck up someone else’s life?”

“You broke her marriage up…she only hooked up with you because she’s confused. I’m trying to save her feelings.”

“Really? How’s that working out for you?” I fired back at her.