What’s the alternative?
Exactly. There aren’t any.
“You’re just so…sad.” Her concern is palpable.
I jerk my gaze away to stare at the ceiling. As close as Summer and I are, this isn’t a topic I want to discuss with her. In the end, it won’t do a damn bit of good.
I fucked up.
And there’s no way to fix it.
My twin is nothing if not tenacious. Usually, it’s one of her finer qualities. Not in this situation, though. What she needs to do is leave me alone to lick my wounds in private.
Is that really too much to ask?
From the corner of my eye, I watch her hover in the doorway.
Apparently so.
“Have you tried talking to her again?”
“Nope.” I force myself to state the truth. “She doesn’t want anything to do with me.”
That acknowledgment is like shoving my heart through a meatgrinder.
Over and over again.
I just want the pain to stop.
Even if it’s just for one fucking minute.
“I don’t think that’s true. I saw the way Delilah looked at you the other day in the cafeteria. She still cares, Austin. If you really have feelings, then maybe you need to fight for her.”
Have feelings?
That’s not even a question.
What I’m trying to do is abide by her wishes and give her the space she needs to heal.
Summer has no idea what happened with Delilah, and I’m sure as hell not going to tell her. It’s impossible to think about all the things I did without shame rushing in to fill me. Not only did she have Jasper tormenting her, but then I blackmailed her into doing what I wanted.
“She asked me to let her go, and that’s exactly what I did.”
Exasperation shimmers from Summer in heavy waves as she shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “Guys are such blockheads.”
My lips twitch. Can’t argue with that. Her assessment of the situation is spot on.
“Look, you’ve given her enough time for the dust to settle. Now you need to have a conversation and see if she still feels the same way. For all you know, she’s missing you just as much as you are her.”
I see her around school and watch her when she’s not aware of it.
Am I venturing into stalker territory?