My legs are so shaky that I’m afraid I’ll stumble and fall to my knees. The thought of reaching my mom is what prods me into movement and keeps me going. As I turn a corner, a muscular figure looms in the middle of the hallway. I skid to a halt as our gazes fasten.
Fury crashes over me like a tidal wave, nearly sucking me under as I bare my teeth.
I can’t believe he did this. He might have hung the threat over my head to coerce me into doing what he wanted, but I didn’t actually believe he’d go through with it.
That he’d go to these lengths to lash out and hurt me.
As much as I’m loath to admit it, there’s no way to deny the truth. When it comes down to it, Austin Hawthorne is no better than Jasper. Both boys are cut from the same cloth. That thought turns my stomach until it feels like I’ll be sick.
“Delilah.” Intensity swirls through his green depths as he takes a swift step toward me.
I do the only thing I can to ward him off and throw up a hand as my lips lift into a snarl. Shock flashes across his face as he grinds to a halt.
“How could you do this?” I growl.
Rage vibrates through every cell of my being.
Austin never gave me a reason to trust him, but I did. I believed he would never do anything to wound me. Obviously, that’s my fault for being so gullible.
His eyes widen as he gives his head a violent shake. “No, I—”
“Just stop! I don’t want to hear any more of your lies.” My voice escalates with each syllable that shoots out of my mouth. “I know you did this. You’re the only one who knew.” There’s a pause before I add, “Not only did you threaten to tell everyone about the affair, you blackmailed Pembroke with the information.”
Emotion flickers in his eyes as he bursts into movement, eating up the distance between us with a handful of long-legged strides. Just as he reaches for me, I leap back, stumbling in my haste to avoid physical contact.
“Don’t you dare touch me. You havenothingon me now. So, go fuck yourself!”
“Delilah, please…”
There is so much pent-up emotion in those two words. It claws at my insides, but I refuse to get suckered in by him again. Not only has he hurt me, but my mom as well.
Oh god.
I shake my head, carefully darting past him. This time, he doesn’t try to stop me. He allows me to flee from the scene.
Even though the copy room is less than eighty feet away, it’s like time slows and it takes forever to finally reach the small space. I feel every beat of my pounding heart as I grip the edge of the doorjamb and crash over the threshold. My gaze flies around the cramped room before fastening on Mom. She’s slumped in a chair with a look of shock etched across her face. A sick knot settles in the pit of my gut.
When she continues to stare off into space, not acknowledging my presence, I whisper, “Mom?”
There’s no reaction.
It’s like I’m not even here.
Fear slithers down my spine.
I raise my voice, hoping to knock her from the stupor that has cocooned its way around her. “Mom?”
With a blink, she gradually turns her head until her gaze can lock on mine. A vacant look fills her blue eyes.
“Are you all right?” I whisper before wincing.
It’s a ridiculous question. Of course she isn’t.
Tears fill her eyes and spike her lashes as she shakes her head. “How? How could something like this happen?”
Guilt crashes over me.